Dennis Hackethal’s Blog

My blog about philosophy, coding, and anything else that interests me.

History of post ‘Minefeld’

Versions are sorted from most recent to oldest with the original version at the bottom. Changes are highlighted relative to the next, i.e. older, version underneath. Only changed lines and their surrounding lines are shown, except for the original version, which is shown in full.

Revision 1 · · View this (the most recent) version (v2)

Put script in body

@@ -18,3 +18,219 @@
    <small>Fan made. No affiliation with Seinfeld.</small>

+  (() => {
+    let $tiles = document.getElementById('tiles');
+    let $newGame = document.getElementById('new-game');
+    let $seconds = document.getElementById('seconds');
+    let $mineCount = document.getElementById('mine-count');
+    let $status = document.getElementById('status');
+    let $image = document.getElementById('image');

+    let rows = 9;
+    let columns = 9;
+    let mines = 0;
+    let flagged = 0;
+    let revealed = 0;
+    let disabled = false;

+    let getSurrounding = $tile => {
+      let row = Number($tile.dataset.row);
+      let column = Number($tile.dataset.column);

+      let min = 0;
+      let maxRow = rows - 1;
+      let maxColumn = columns - 1;

+      let affectedRows = Array.from(new Set([Math.max(min, row - 1), row, Math.min(maxRow, row + 1)]));
+      let affectedColumns = Array.from(new Set([Math.max(min, column - 1), column, Math.min(maxColumn, column + 1)]));

+      return affectedRows
+        .map(i => {
+          return affectedColumns
+            .map(j => document.getElementById(`tile_${i}_${j}`));
+        }).flat();
+    };

+    let reveal = ($tile, done = new Set()) => {
+      if (done.has($ || disabled) {
+        return;
+      }

+      $tile.dataset.revealed = true;

+      if ($tile.dataset.isMine === 'true') {
+        return;
+      }

+      if ($tile.dataset.flagged === 'true') {
+        $tile.dataset.flagged = false;
+        updateMineCountDisplay(flagged - 1);
+      }

+      done.add($;
+      revealed++;

+      if ($tile.dataset.count != '0') {
+        $tile.innerText = $tile.dataset.count;
+      }

+      if (hasWon()) {
+        endGame(true);
+      } else if (Number($tile.dataset.count) === 0) {
+        getSurrounding($tile)
+          .filter($t => $t.dataset.isMine === 'false' && $t.dataset.revealed === 'false')
+          .forEach($t => reveal($t, done));
+      }
+    };

+    let createTiles = () => {
+      for (let i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
+        let $row = document.createElement('div');

+        $tiles.appendChild($row);

+        for (let j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
+          let $tile = document.createElement('div');

+          $tile.classList.add('tile');
+          $ = `tile_${i}_${j}`;
+          $tile.innerHTML = '&nbsp;';

+          let isMine = Math.random() > 0.9;

+          $tile.dataset.isMine = isMine;
+          $tile.dataset.revealed = false;
+          $tile.dataset.row = i;
+          $tile.dataset.column = j;

+          if (isMine) {
+            mines++;

+            $tile.onclick = e => {
+              if (disabled) {
+                return;
+              }

+              // TODO: Reveal ONLY this one tile, no surrounding
+              reveal($tile);
+              endGame(false);
+            }
+          }

+          $tile.oncontextmenu = e => {
+            e.preventDefault();

+            if (disabled) {
+              return;
+            }

+            if ($tile.dataset.flagged === 'true') {
+              $tile.dataset.flagged = false;
+              updateMineCountDisplay(flagged - 1);
+            } else if ($tile.dataset.revealed != 'true') {
+              $tile.dataset.flagged = true;
+              updateMineCountDisplay(flagged + 1);
+            }

+            if (hasWon()) {
+              endGame(true);
+            }
+          }

+          $tile.onmouseenter = e => {
+            $tile.classList.add('hovered');

+            getSurrounding($tile).forEach($t => $t.classList.add('surrounding'));
+          };

+          $tile.onmouseleave = e => {
+            $tile.classList.remove('hovered');

+            getSurrounding($tile).forEach($t => $t.classList.remove('surrounding'));
+          };

+          $row.appendChild($tile);
+        }
+      }

+      updateMineCountDisplay(flagged);

+      for (let i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
+        for (let j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
+          let $tile = document.getElementById(`tile_${i}_${j}`);

+          if ($tile.dataset.isMine === 'false') {
+            let count = getSurrounding($tile)
+              .filter($el => $el.dataset.isMine === 'true')
+              .length;

+            $tile.dataset.count = count;

+            if ($tile.dataset.revealed === 'false') {
+              $tile.onclick = e => {
+                reveal($tile);
+              };
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    };

+    let interval;

+    let countTime = () => {
+      interval = setInterval(() => {
+        $seconds.innerText = Number($seconds.innerText) + 1;
+      }, 1000);
+    };

+    let updateMineCountDisplay = count => {
+      flagged = count;
+      $mineCount.innerText = mines - flagged;
+    };

+    let reset = () => {
+      clearInterval(interval);
+      updateMineCountDisplay(0);
+      revealed = 0;
+      flagged = 0;
+      mines = 0;
+      disabled = false;
+      $tiles.innerHTML = '';
+      $seconds.innerText = '0';
+      $status.innerText = '';
+      $image.removeAttribute('src');
+      $tiles.classList.remove('game-over');
+    };

+    let restart = () => {
+      reset();
+      createTiles();
+      countTime();
+    };

+    let endGame = won => {
+      if (won) {
+        $image.src = '/assets/minefeld/happy.gif';
+        $status.innerText = 'Congrats! You beat the game!';
+      } else {
+        $image.src = '/assets/minefeld/lost.gif';
+        $status.innerText = 'Game over. You hit a mine! Newman is pleased...';
+      }

+      $tiles.classList.add('game-over');
+      disabled = true;
+      clearInterval(interval);
+    };

+    let hasWon = () => {
+      return revealed === rows * columns - flagged && mines - flagged === 0;
+    };

+    $newGame.onclick = restart;

+    restart();
+  })();

Original · · View this version (v1)

# Minefeld

<div id="minefeld">
  <img id="logo" src="/assets/minefeld/minefeld-logo.png" alt="Minefeld logo">
  <div id="game">
    <div id="menu">
      💣 <span id="mine-count">0</span>
      <button id="new-game" class="btn btn-outline-dark">New game</button>
      <span id="seconds">0</span>
    <div id="tiles"></div>
  <div id="annotations">
    <h3 id="status" class="my-3"></h3>
    <img id="image">
    <small>Fan made. No affiliation with Seinfeld.</small>