Dennis Hackethal’s Blog

My blog about philosophy, coding, and anything else that interests me.


An archive of my tweets and retweets through . They may be formatted slightly differently than on Twitter. API access has since gotten prohibitively expensive – I don't know whether or when I'll be able to update this archive.

But in case I will, you can subscribe via RSS – without a Twitter account. Rationale


Is it possible to build a mind out of purely static memes?

Maybe, but when building a mind one doesn't pre-implement ideas into it except for some very basic starting points.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


isn't this a situation where "parasitic" and "cooperative" collapse into one?

I don't think so because that situation doesn't benefit the mind, only the memes.

It's a situation where "parasitic" and "static" overlap.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@micahtredding @DavidDeutschOxf

Would you be okay with being snapshot and then run in parallel for each question?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Yes, types are overrated.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


From the memes' perspective, that is.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


To do nothing but faithfully enact those memes, presumably.

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RT @DavidDeutschOxf:
"Building one space station for everyone was and is insane: we should have built a dozen." Larry Niven.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

At whose expense?…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @HowardSteen4:
Oh good...that Mr. Drosten already received his Christmas present from the Corona Ausschuss. As I read this, it is only t…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

For them to be identical, every static meme always has to be parasitic and vice versa, and every dynamic meme always has to be cooperative.

What are examples where that isn't the case?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Two replication strategies of memes: parasitic (i.e., stealing a mind’s resources for the meme’s purpose) and cooperative (i.e., helping a mind use its resources for its purpose).

Are these two categories identical with Deutsch's concept of static vs dynamic memes?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @YALiberty:
.@KamalaHarris gets confronted about tyrant CA Gov. @GavinNewsom not following his own rules.

In classic bureaucrat fashion…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Are you suggesting billionaires should not be free to decide how to spend their money?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


How anyone could sit down next to Xi and not throw up from the disgust of sitting next to a murderer is beyond me. And smiling at him takes a whole other level of either profound ignorance or malice.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Sam Harris once said something along the lines of: the response to bad ideas shouldn’t be to ban them but to discuss them.

Sometimes we may find that the ideas aren’t so bad. Or we learn why they’re bad. Either way, better than banning.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @patrickc:
Someone I know has had some quite useful COVID-related posts removed from Medium, LinkedIn, and Nextdoor—they've been deemed…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter



@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Isn’t it curious that the word “therefore” is used all the time, but “wherefore” has all but disappeared from the English language?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


That's usually the hidden goal of socialists. At least to keep everyone roughly as poor as they are.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter



@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Do these “essential” workers have a harder time getting tested because of these new spots?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


What state are you in?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@5t3ph @CodePen

Nice. Is there a way to do this without making rounded border non-rounded again?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Just spoke with a friend who described lockdowns as a “public-health draft.” I think that’s a fitting description of what’s going on.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Indeed :)

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

So hab ich abgestimmt. Insgesamt ein erschreckendes Abstimmungsergebnis.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

"Vielleicht hört der ein- oder andere in der Pandemie künftig stärker auf sie – und auf die Wissenschaft."

Autoritäres, szientistisches und technokratisches Gedankengut.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

I've argued that all people are software engineers. Even if it’s not their profession, they program all the time—in their heads. Here’s an example of what I mean:…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Well, you can't please everyone:…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@patrickc @stripe

Typo on…:

"[...] you should set your page's viewport width to device-width with the the viewport meta tag." Double "the"

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@_kpierre @jensimmons @5t3ph

Yup I ran into that recently.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


“Erkenntnisse” 😁

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

I started a Chalk room for web development. For web devs to talk code, tools, tips & tricks, etc.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@Insect_Song @paulg @JGamesCh

Ah! That makes sense.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@paulg @JGamesCh

If the stereotype that Americans are more litigious than Europeans is true, doesn't that mean the courts have more influence in America than they do in Europe?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@pigmaher @DavidDeutschOxf

If they should all have the same serial number (though maybe that defeats the purpose?), one could add the same trace amounts to every square inch or so of the sheet.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@pigmaher @DavidDeutschOxf

Depending on what you mean:

If the resulting parts shouldn't all have the same serial number, one could add the trace amounts only to the resulting parts, not the sheet beforehand.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@michaelerich5 @bmorshaeuser

Im Kapitalismus dürfen Menschen diesem Existenzbedürfnis frei nachgehen. In anderen gesellschaftlichen Organisationen darf er das nicht oder (wie in Dtld.) nur eingeschränkt.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@michaelerich5 @bmorshaeuser

Obwohl Ideen à la “man sollte die Wirtschaft nicht über den Menschen stellen” sicher gut gemeint sind, werden sie—wie momentan auch—oft dazu genutzt, die Wirtschaft einzudämmen, was letztendlich Menschen schadet und daher angesichts der guten Absichten ironisch ist.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@michaelerich5 @bmorshaeuser

Ah, ich meinte es so in der Richtung: Der Mensch muss wirtschaften, um zu überleben. Wenn zb Friseurläden zwangsgeschlossen werden, dann ist das eine Existenzbedrohung für sie.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@michaelerich5 @bmorshaeuser

Kannst du bitte erklären, was du damit meinst?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@bmorshaeuser @michaelerich5

Ohne Wirtschaft keine Menschenleben.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @shervin:

I think it’s more driven by a migration to freer states with rational governments. Lower taxes are only one part, albei…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


It's not you who's paying for their time and fees—or for anything else you do. It's the American people, from whom you have stolen that money.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@GavinNewsom @deemyers

“ we rebuild and reimagine an economy...”

At whose expense?

“Rebuilding” an economy is the stuff of communism btw...

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@ddoust @pmddomingos

No, I’m against force. Pro-force views aren’t compatible with CR because, among other things, force stifles the growth of knowledge.

Re speed limits:…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

The acquiescence is so widespread that the police need not hide their actions but can openly brag about them and then call for new recruits!…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

As much as I love Clojure, and as much as I dislike OOP, Rails is still the best tool for rapidly prototyping web apps.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


They can always use such graphs to claim that restrictions aren’t *strict enough yet *, too. Doesn’t really matter how the graphs look, lockdown proponents can always rescue their theory. Which is why, by Popperian standards, they’re being unscientific.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter



@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Nice, this allowed me to change from spans with a custom class to a simple tag.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Nice. Used to be you had to render some invisible element above the target one to simulate this effect.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Freedom is being granted conditionally, not presumed given unless violated—a dangerous trend that is gaining traction in many countries, even in the West.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

If you think all that sounds bad—and it is alarming!—here's what, IMO, is much worse: the sheep-like acquiescence. According to my contact, most people in Singapore are happy with these measures. Most don't mind.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

If you can afford to re-enter, you are submitted to a test at the airport. If you test positive, you are forcefully quarantined for two weeks in a hotel that has been repurposed for that (presumably not voluntarily).

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Whenever people leave the country, they have to pay $1,600 to re-enter. It appears that the country is effectively closed down for anyone who can't afford to come back. Meaning freedom of movement—a basic civil liberty—is more or less gone for most.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

My contact was unclear about the government's privacy policy—well, it's the government, so expect the worst. All that data about ~everyone's movement in the hands of government is bad news. If they didn't already get it from cellphones, now they have it for sure.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Everyone is required to scan a barcode whenever they enter a business or otherwise publicly accessible building. People who don't have smart phones are given devices for this purpose. The tech for that is developed and run by the government.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Just got off the phone with someone in Singapore. Singapore's lockdown policies are nuts. Some "highlights":


@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

How many lives were stolen by your restrictions today, @GavinNewsom?…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @iamdevloper:
I’m sure base jumping is a thrill but have you ever tried running an UPDATE query on a live database before?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Been a while, but I loved this book when I read it.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@DavidDeutschOxf @yaacovlozowick

The “ka” reminds me of: Wieso sind in Kanada die Lichter aus? Weil kana da is.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @DavidDeutschOxf:

LOL. Ka' Mensch is' uns zwider. Die Union is' ja ka' Mensch!

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Familiarity with vocabulary, perhaps.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @CommunistTerror:
This is a proof of a new booklet we have created. It is called "Communism: A little book of facts". It will be printed…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Nice. Good for you.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Think about what people could do with all that money if the state hadn’t stolen it from them.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


I just checked and when tasked with "hey siri, set a recurring alarm for Friday at 8pm" it sets an alarm for 8pm today.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


I use the "recurring" feature for that. No special UI or laptop.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


I can set alarms arbitrarily far ahead if I do it manually through the UI.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

"Hey Siri, set an alarm for tomorrow at 6pm."

"I can't set an alarm for more than 24 hours ahead."

Why not?? That's "artificial intelligence," folks.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@dvassallo @FourFourths

Evo psych is overrated... it's not in people's "nature" to work any particular amount of hours per week, but in their interests and decisions, which differ from person to person.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


What about morals? Can we put those at the forefront, too?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Non-refuted arguments in favor of lockdowns: 0.

Months of “two weeks to flatten the curve”: ~8.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

“inject hope”


@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @liberty_deity:

Hello, what are your pronouns?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Maybe it’s a feedback loop?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


What’s the “&[id]” do?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

"The order prohibits “all travel, including, without limitation, travel on foot, bicycle, scooter, motorcycle, automobile, or public transit,” with limited exceptions."

This is insane. And illegal.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

I'm live streaming on Twitch again, answering programming questions on Stack Overflow. Join me!

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Trying out Twitch for the first time... join me as I look through SO questions.

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@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


There wouldn’t be a tunnel without your pointless and cruel regulations.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@A_Libertardian @ThomasEWoods

And they eagerly pressured others, without warning or consent, into submitting to the “health orders.”

I think the underlying cause of that is altruism.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@A_Libertardian @ThomasEWoods

I had a related thought back in March regarding how readily people embraced totalitarian measures. They almost seemed relieved that somebody was telling them how live their lives. Also, they jumped on the opportunity for such nonsense as “cancel rent.”

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Would you like to take responsibility for this @GavinNewsom @MayorOfLA?…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@GavinNewsom @senatemajldr

At whose expense? The other American people? Wait...

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

And apparently it's everyone's job to ensure hospital availability?…

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Why does the government oversee vaccine distribution?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Can you decriminalize running a hair salon during a pandemic next?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


How does COVID prove that?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


But those are better because they can take a variable number of arguments at every step.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Thread-first operator in clojure and berlin:…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

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