Dennis Hackethal’s Blog
My blog about philosophy, coding, and anything else that interests me.
An archive of my tweets and retweets through . They may be formatted slightly differently than on Twitter. API access has since gotten prohibitively expensive – I don't know whether or when I'll be able to update this archive.
But in case I will, you can subscribe via RSS – without a Twitter account. Rationale
@AugustaDorman @MyovichOFFICIAL @GavinNewsom
People who don’t want to take the risk are free to stay at home if they think that means they won’t die. That’s the point.
Then don’t go to work. Why does everyone else have to be forced to do what you want to do?
Why haven’t you concluded yet that masks and stay-at-home orders don’t work?
@moiMeru @sashintweets @iamFilos
Natürlich sollen Menschen rücksichtsvoll sein - das bestreitet ja keiner. Die Frage ist, ob man Menschen zur Rücksichtnahme zwingen darf. Zur Gesundheitsversorgung anderer.
Jeder ignoriert diese Frage. Vielleicht weil alle bereits wissen, dass die Antwort “nein” lautet.
@moiMeru @sashintweets @iamFilos
Die Bedingungen in den Krankenhäusern mögen schrecklich sein, aber das bedeutet nicht, dass man Bürger dazu zwingen darf, dazu beizutragen, dass sich diese Bedingungen verbessern.
@moiMeru @sashintweets @iamFilos
Wieso soll ich—oder sonst jemand—verhindern, dass es in den Krankenhäusern schlimmer wird? Vielmehr: wieso sollen Leute dazu gezwungen werden?
Bessere Alternative: all denjenigen, die zu Hause bleiben wollen, steht dies bereits frei. Alle anderen sollen frei leben dürfen.
Great, well written article; spot on. Let us know how you decide. I myself am leaning “flight” right now, having been very patient throughout 2020 with my beloved CA but nothing seeming to get better and no opportunity to change any of it. It’s a real shame what’s been happening.
“They were created by the men and women who, for the tremendous, historical wealth they brought [...] to the Bay Area, have in turn been demonized, scapegoated, and punitively targeted by a land lording political class of leeches who have themselves built nothing.”
“For the last half century, entrepreneurship in tech has been positive sum, which is to say almost everyone who participated won. For decades, new companies and technologies were built almost from nothing. They were not discovered, and they were not mined from the earth...”
@sGinole @c_drosten
Sie wissen, dass mein Kommentar ironisch und aus der Sicht von Lockdown-Befürwortern gemeint war? Ich selbst bin gegen Lockdowns.
Abgesehen von Corona zwingt der deutsche Sozialstaat bereits alle zur Versorgung aller anderen - das ist gar nichts Neues.
Wenn Leute zur Schließung ihrer Geschäfte gezwungen werden, dient das (angeblich) zum Schutze anderer.
Der Kollektivismus basiert genau auf dieser Art Zwang - es macht keinen Sinn, den Kollektivismus zu verteidigen und gleichzeitig zu behaupten, es gäbe keinen Zwang.
Actually, it may be chapter 12... either way, both are important.
Make progress, quickly. Then others will see that progress is possible, which they want to make, too, no matter how loudly they may deny that. (cf Deutsch's "The Beginning of Infinity, ch. 9)
Ich meinte damit, dass “die Gesellschaft” keine eigenständige oder kohärente Entität ist, der man Attribute wie “gesund” zuschreiben kann, außer metaphorisch.
Wann habe ich behauptet, dass es sich nur um eine Grippe handle?
Lockdowns sind übrigens eine Erfindung des 21. Jahrhunderts, die gab es früher noch nie.
Das ist mit einer Waffe nicht vergleichbar.
Jedem, der sich selbst zu Hause einschließen will, steht das frei. Er kann sich damit schützen, egal, was andere tun. Und jedem, der das Risiko eingehen will, mit anderen Leuten zu interagieren, sollte dies daher ebenso frei stehen.
Nicht zur Versorgung der Gesundheit anderer gezwungen werden zu wollen heißt nicht, dass man alles jederzeit haben möchte.
Der Wunsch nach der Freiheit vom Zwang ist keine Egoismus, sondern ein einfaches Grundbedürfnis, das der kollektivistische Ansatz überrollt.
@moiMeru @sashintweets @iamFilos
Hoffe ich auch. Panik mache ich jedoch keine - das tun die Befürworter des Lockdowns.
“Gesundheit der Gemeinschaft” gibt es nicht. Nur Individuen können krank oder gesund sein.
Ist es nicht egoistisch, andere für die eigene Gesundheit einsperren zu wollen? Den anderen dazu zu zwingen, für die eigene Gesundheit zu sorgen?
Und es ist nicht menschenverachtend, den “Ignoranten” die Krankheit zu wünschen?
Na prima, dann haben wir trotz Impfstoff also doch wieder einen Grund, weiterhin Leute zu Hause einzusperren.
It is indeed very common. I don't doubt that.
What's interesting is that selection pressures exist that favor memes which advocate lockdowns—for pretty much any arbitrary reason that comes in handy at the time. New strains are such arbitrary reasons.
Isn't it rather curious that just as vaccines are being rolled out (let's say they work, which would be a reason to end lockdowns), allegedly new and more dangerous strains are making the news?
It's almost like someone or something doesn't want lockdowns to ever end...
The only license any business should require is the consent of their customers.
@_soleil_blanc @real_Tsala @CarstenOffers @heuteshow
Ich würde auch meinen, dass Steuern einen sehr großen Anteil ausmachen, kenne aber keine Statistiken so ausm Stehgreif.
@real_Tsala @CarstenOffers @heuteshow
Die Zentralbank und die Deutsche Bank verleihen aber nur, oder? Die schenken das der Regierung nicht. Und die Zinsen werden dann auch vom Steuerzahler bezahlt?
By which, to be clear, I mean Rand’s/Comte’s description of a doctrine that advocates sacrificing oneself for the “benefit” of others, and forcing others to do so as well; that of seeing man as a sacrificial animal.
Which is a manifestation of altruism—the “core core” evil behind all this.
Das allbekannte Totschlagargument. Wie viele Menschenleben haben Sie mit Ihren Empfehlungen gekostet, wie viele Leben haben Sie ruiniert? Sind Sie sich der Schuld bewusst, die Sie tragen?
@iamtkiam @GavinNewsom
Why does the mere mention of Rand mean that we won’t be able to agree?
To my question: “help is relative” doesn’t tell me whether you advocate force. Sounds like a vague dodge. I think you do advocate force but don’t want to say it explicitly.
@iamtkiam @GavinNewsom
We have indeed been forced to pay for those things.
What you’re describing is the package deal of altruism Ayn Rand refutes here:
Helping people when you want to is one thing, but being forced to do so is quite another. Or do you advocate force?
@iamtkiam @GavinNewsom
One person being forced to pay lodging for another is how it should be?
Twitter pretty reliably fails to notify me of comments on my tweets. Oftentimes I see them only in my timeline. If you comment on one of my tweets and I don't respond, please know that I'm not ignoring you.
RT @ThomasEWoods:
These people are subtle…
I hadn't used Ruby on Rails in a good while. Been back at it for about a week now. I had forgotten how productive it makes you. Template preprocessing, CLI generators, convention over configuration... it's good to be back.
Does that include lockdown policies in the West?
CA admits that mask mandates and stay-at-home orders don’t work: “COVID-19 is spreading rapidly.” Their response: let’s instate another stay-at-home order, destroy more businesses, ruin more lives. Shame on you @GavinNewsom
In the sense that all problems in all fields require knowledge creation to find solutions and therefore are affected by one’s epistemology/methodology.…
Everything is downstream of epistemology.…
Is it possible to build a mind out of purely static memes?
Maybe, but when building a mind one doesn't pre-implement ideas into it except for some very basic starting points.
isn't this a situation where "parasitic" and "cooperative" collapse into one?
I don't think so because that situation doesn't benefit the mind, only the memes.
It's a situation where "parasitic" and "static" overlap.
@micahtredding @DavidDeutschOxf
Would you be okay with being snapshot and then run in parallel for each question?
To do nothing but faithfully enact those memes, presumably.
RT @DavidDeutschOxf:
"Building one space station for everyone was and is insane: we should have built a dozen." Larry Niven.
RT @HowardSteen4:
Oh good...that Mr. Drosten already received his Christmas present from the Corona Ausschuss. As I read this, it is only t…
For them to be identical, every static meme always has to be parasitic and vice versa, and every dynamic meme always has to be cooperative.
What are examples where that isn't the case?
Two replication strategies of memes: parasitic (i.e., stealing a mind’s resources for the meme’s purpose) and cooperative (i.e., helping a mind use its resources for its purpose).
Are these two categories identical with Deutsch's concept of static vs dynamic memes?
RT @YALiberty:
.@KamalaHarris gets confronted about tyrant CA Gov. @GavinNewsom not following his own rules.
In classic bureaucrat fashion…
Are you suggesting billionaires should not be free to decide how to spend their money?
How anyone could sit down next to Xi and not throw up from the disgust of sitting next to a murderer is beyond me. And smiling at him takes a whole other level of either profound ignorance or malice.
Sam Harris once said something along the lines of: the response to bad ideas shouldn’t be to ban them but to discuss them.
Sometimes we may find that the ideas aren’t so bad. Or we learn why they’re bad. Either way, better than banning.
RT @patrickc:
Someone I know has had some quite useful COVID-related posts removed from Medium, LinkedIn, and Nextdoor—they've been deemed…
Isn’t it curious that the word “therefore” is used all the time, but “wherefore” has all but disappeared from the English language?
That's usually the hidden goal of socialists. At least to keep everyone roughly as poor as they are.
Do these “essential” workers have a harder time getting tested because of these new spots?
Just spoke with a friend who described lockdowns as a “public-health draft.” I think that’s a fitting description of what’s going on.
So hab ich abgestimmt. Insgesamt ein erschreckendes Abstimmungsergebnis.
"Vielleicht hört der ein- oder andere in der Pandemie künftig stärker auf sie – und auf die Wissenschaft."
Autoritäres, szientistisches und technokratisches Gedankengut.
I've argued that all people are software engineers. Even if it’s not their profession, they program all the time—in their heads. Here’s an example of what I mean:
Typo on…:
"[...] you should set your page's viewport width to device-width with the the viewport meta tag." Double "the"
I started a Chalk room for web development. For web devs to talk code, tools, tips & tricks, etc.
If the stereotype that Americans are more litigious than Europeans is true, doesn't that mean the courts have more influence in America than they do in Europe?
If they should all have the same serial number (though maybe that defeats the purpose?), one could add the same trace amounts to every square inch or so of the sheet.
Depending on what you mean:
If the resulting parts shouldn't all have the same serial number, one could add the trace amounts only to the resulting parts, not the sheet beforehand.
Im Kapitalismus dürfen Menschen diesem Existenzbedürfnis frei nachgehen. In anderen gesellschaftlichen Organisationen darf er das nicht oder (wie in Dtld.) nur eingeschränkt.
Obwohl Ideen à la “man sollte die Wirtschaft nicht über den Menschen stellen” sicher gut gemeint sind, werden sie—wie momentan auch—oft dazu genutzt, die Wirtschaft einzudämmen, was letztendlich Menschen schadet und daher angesichts der guten Absichten ironisch ist.
Ah, ich meinte es so in der Richtung: Der Mensch muss wirtschaften, um zu überleben. Wenn zb Friseurläden zwangsgeschlossen werden, dann ist das eine Existenzbedrohung für sie.
Kannst du bitte erklären, was du damit meinst?
Ohne Wirtschaft keine Menschenleben.
I think it’s more driven by a migration to freer states with rational governments. Lower taxes are only one part, albei…
It's not you who's paying for their time and fees—or for anything else you do. It's the American people, from whom you have stolen that money.
“ we rebuild and reimagine an economy...”
At whose expense?
“Rebuilding” an economy is the stuff of communism btw...