Dennis Hackethal’s Blog
My blog about philosophy, coding, and anything else that interests me.
An archive of my tweets and retweets through . They may be formatted slightly differently than on Twitter. API access has since gotten prohibitively expensive – I don't know whether or when I'll be able to update this archive.
But in case I will, you can subscribe via RSS – without a Twitter account. Rationale
Why not? A good government gets smaller, not bigger.
It completely automates error detection: it shows you how many words you mistyped and allows you to practice them. It also shows you a replay of your typing speed.
RT @ClimateWarrior7:
Most people who practice Islam would never do this. Why are we focusing on the 30% or whatever who think it's OK, and…
Seems like you’ve been signing a lot of laws lately. Do you ever get rid of laws, too?
@OfficialGaryS @liberty_deity @DeGuerre_Nom
Isn't that a problem with conservatives, not with the graphic?
RT @dockaurG:
🧐But but the “cases”, the scariants, the “delta” scariant! A break from your regularly scheduled state-sponsored fear-mongeri…
RT @DavidDeutschOxf:
It is indeed false.…
RT @NASAPersevere:
Mapping out a path in my search for signs of ancient life: after my first campaign to the south, the long term plan take…
RT @CrimeADay:
21 USC §676 & 9 CFR §319.180(a) make it a federal crime to sell overly fatty hot dogs.
Gender doesn’t exist, therefore the gender wage gap can’t exist
Lösung: die Rente gibt es für jeden sobald er mag, wenn er für seine eigene Rente sorgt, nicht für die anderer, und wenn kein ineffizientes Staatsorgan damit beauftragt wird.
RT @michaelmalice:
the last time you people didnt understand the concept of private property you ended up selling Manhattan for a bunch of…
RT @ClimateWarrior7:
Fauci is the science, and the science is Fauci.
Enemies of Fauci are enemies of the science!
Fauci is the science's…
Presumably imperfectly self-replicating programs. Wouldn't be a computer you'd wanna use.
"Discounting Future Knowledge":…
Yea. And, assuming those “federal tax bill” numbers are correct—which I doubt—why not lower the tax burden for “wage earners” instead of raising it for those oh-so-greedy evil rich people?
That should enable wage earners to “spend on basics” themselves.
"Many people decided that this was the end of the world, and that therefore attempting any further earthly improvements was pointless." (from David Deutsch's The Beginning of Infinity)
Who thought so: medieval Europeans during the Black Death or 21st-century environmentalists?
Yeah, malaria plays real nice out there in nature.…
RT @TheBabylonBee:
Governor Gavin Newsom Announces He's Using His Emergency Powers To Wish For More Emergency Powers…
RT @SJobs_Stories:
"This is a day I've been looking forward to for two and a half years." - Steve Jobs, presenting first iPhone at MacWorld…
Yeah, first there was only a bubble of explicability in an ocean of senselessness (the Haldane-Dawkins argument), now that ocean is at least explicable too, but still finite.
Yeah that looks like SF not Cupertino.
RT @realchrisrufo:
National Propaganda Radio strikes again.
It's like a headline from 1981 saying: "Republicans across the country are de…
Mensch:innen. Das mit dem Gendern muss sie noch üben.
RT @amasad:
Imagine sending someone a deep link to a breakpoint with the program halted and all the state ready to debug.
You'll restore access even for Nigerians with conservative and/or anti-lockdown views?…
Good example of academic obscurantism and its translation (thread):…
Sounds like you’re aiming to regulate it. If you really wanted the blockchain to expand, you’d stay out of it.
Doesn't it cost more money to stay in those places?
Formatted like that it’s not so bad. Reads just like nested conditionals.
Can't find that account. Got a link to the tweet?
RT @AurelianofRome:
People are just making up words to give themselves titles that they believe are prestigious.
Unless you’re in politics and complain on people’s behalf.
RT @CrimeADay:
21 USC §§331, 333, 342 & 21 CFR §§110.110 make it a federal crime to sell canned spinach with caterpillars in it if the cate…
Say the birds' algorithms for detecting and nudging small asteroids nearby have reach to also detect and nudge big and far-away ones. Say it's because big far-away ones look like small close ones. Birds evolve group behavior to fly out in huge flocks to nudge big asteroids.
Yeah could be. To be clear, I don’t claim that what I’m proposing would happen in exactly that way. But isn’t it sufficient to show that biological evolution could lead to organisms that deflect asteroids in principle?
Not a sacrifice if the bird doesn't die.
Could be that birds that avoid debris enable it to continue down its path and kill other birds, so genes that code for birds that actively seek out debris and deflect it back into space would spread more.
...and bigger debris, and those birds' adaptations develop reach to deflect that too. Slight modifications to birds' existing hunting algorithms detect size, speed, and trajectory of debris. The more those birds are able to deflect it, the more they spread.
Say some birds develop adaptations to live at altitudes so high they deal with space debris (left by people and otherwise). Many of them die through collisions but some happen to have adaptations that help them deflect debris. As people's space endeavors increase, there's more...
Why couldn’t biological evolution make adaptations that deflect asteroids, in principle?
RT @TitaniaMcGrath:
It takes real courage for major corporations to display the Pride rainbow colours in our homophobic and heteronormative…
RT @micsolana:
this week in san francisco
percent of population vaccinated: 70%
daily new covid cases per 100k: 1.4
number of times i've…
@lode_cesky @michaelmalice @RyanOfKalamazoo @NotAdvised1 @sinbabe69
That isn't a sentence.
RT @dchackethal:
@RyanOfKalamazoo @NotAdvised1 @sinbabe69 @michaelmalice
That, in a nutshell, is what "everybody owns it" always comes down…
Yes. It's an old socialist trick. But I'm not sure the push is wholly anti-democratic—in some ways it shows how close to socialism democracy really is.
"I believe that the demand for a theory of successful thinking cannot be satisfied. Nor is it the same as a theory of creative thinking."
– Popper, translated freely from his autobiography
How much further along would AGI be if researchers took these two sentences seriously?
So how much violence are you willing to use against those who don't want to have their wealth "redistributed"?
RT @diemauerthewall:
East German soldier Conrad Schumann jumping barbed wire to freedom as he defects from East Berlin, A…
@NotAdvised1 @RyanOfKalamazoo @sinbabe69 @michaelmalice
I didn’t say it’s okay to destroy public property. Note, in particular:…
@lode_cesky @michaelmalice @RyanOfKalamazoo @NotAdvised1 @sinbabe69
Dunno what you're referring to by "it al" but I'm inclined to say "no" since revolutions are bad (Popper).
@NotAdvised1 @RyanOfKalamazoo @sinbabe69 @michaelmalice
Indeed. Take it seriously and you might learn something.
@NotAdvised1 @RyanOfKalamazoo @sinbabe69 @michaelmalice
When everybody has a say, nobody does.
What a great banner, gonna start using this.…
@RyanOfKalamazoo @NotAdvised1 @sinbabe69 @michaelmalice
That, in a nutshell, is what "everybody owns it" always comes down to: when you want to have a say in what to do with it, suddenly everyone else owns it except you.
Saying that returning false from an object-property event handler will "cancel the event" may be a bit misleading as the event still triggers. It has to, since JS doesn't know that the fn returns false before running it. Only the default behavior after the fn runs is canceled.
Presumably they meant “consciousness and disorders related to consciousness”.
@JustJustalan @angela4LNCChair
They do, was gonna say the same thing.
RT @TheBabylonBee:
'You Can Reopen Now!' Governor Newsom Shouts At Row Of Abandoned, Dilapidated Buildings…
@vanamerongen @MrJLeeper @manekinekko
I used to say "Jason" and then somebody said it's nicer to say "Jaysawn" to disambiguate it from the name. That made sense to me, so I've been saying "Jaysawn" ever since. Maybe others have similar reasons.
@paulg @EthicsInBricks @bsdphk @KateRaworth
Poverty is the default state of man in nature.
@karlosbubi @P4blo0711
Es ist aber nicht das Gendern mit dem affigen Doppelpunkt.
Wenn es Ihnen darum geht, wird auch der Doppelpunkt nicht helfen. Uebeltaeter werden immer einen Weg finden, um Gesetzestexte so zu interpretieren, dass sie fuer bestimmte Leute nicht gelten.
@karlosbubi @P4blo0711
Oder machen Sie sich Sorgen, dass dann diejenigen, die sich nicht als Frau oder Mann identifizieren, nicht waehlen duerfen?
@karlosbubi @P4blo0711
Das erscheint mir uebrigens als ein uebler Trick des Gerichts. Die wussten sicher, dass mit "Schweizer" (weil Plural) auch Frauen gemeint waren. Aber auch da haette man nicht "gendern" muessen – man haette einfach "Schweizerinnen und Schweizer" schreiben koennen.
@karlosbubi @P4blo0711
Was soll ich damit? Steht doch bereits drin, dass das Problem geloest wurde.
Und selbst wenn es solche Probleme noch gaebe, betone ich nochmal, dass Gendern nichts mit "Inklusion", also der Loesung dieser Probleme zu tun hat, sondern mit scheinheiligem Gruppenzwang.
@karlosbubi @P4blo0711
Muss ja auch nicht in der zweiten Person sein. Hier ist doch schon mal ein Beispiel, wie unschoen sowas aussieht:…
@karlosbubi @P4blo0711
Und koennen Sie sich auch einen Satz oder Absatz ueberlegen, der durch Gendern zerfetzt wird?
@karlosbubi @P4blo0711
Und natuerlich halte ich Abstand von denen. Das Problem ist ja, dass viele es fuer notwendig halten, diejenigen, die nicht gendern wollen, zu mobben. Daran erkennt man doch, dass Gendern nichts mit "Inklusion" oder was auch immer zu tun hat, sondern mit Gruppenzwang.
@karlosbubi @P4blo0711
OK. "Von Menschen die Sie mobben" ist mehrdeutig. "von denen Sie gemobbt werden" waere klarer gewesen.
@karlosbubi @P4blo0711
Nein, “Sie” war das Subjekt, also ich, da Sie mir vorgeworfen haben, Leute zu mobben. “Menschen” (der Bekanntenkreis) war Objekt.
Dass Sie es hinbekommen haben, einen Satz ohne Gendern zu schreiben, ist ja schön, das bedeutet aber nicht, dass Gendern nicht umständlich ist.
I agree that tax-payer money (?) shouldn’t go to corporations. But I’ll still say “we did it” when Musk or Bezos send someone to Mars. I’ll still celebrate it as an American accomplishment.…
@karlosbubi @P4blo0711
Uebrigens erkenne ich in Ihrem Tweet einige Probleme, auch wenn er "Gender neutral" ist. Und beim Gendern geht's doch gar nicht um den Bekanntenkreis, sondern um den Angesprochenen?
@karlosbubi @P4blo0711
Ich mobbe niemanden. Aber wer nicht "gendern" will, wird eben gemobbt.
Du wolltest also nicht sagen, dass es deiner Meinung nach keinen Sinn macht, wenn sich Leute uebers Gendern beschweren, aber die viel kompliziertere Schreibweise von Namen akzeptieren? Du wolltest nicht sagen, dass sie sich nicht so anstellen sollen, wenn es ums Gendern geht?
@karlosbubi @P4blo0711
Man zahlt soziale Kosten (Hohn, Ausgrenzung etc) wenn man nicht Gendern will. S. die Reaktionen zu meinem Tweet.
While the law should indeed not be justified by the will of the majority, replacing that will with an "eternal foundation" is to trade one authority for another.
The law should come, fallibly and provisionally, from good explanations.