Dennis Hackethal’s Blog

My blog about philosophy, coding, and anything else that interests me.


An archive of my tweets and retweets through . They may be formatted slightly differently than on Twitter. API access has since gotten prohibitively expensive – I don't know whether or when I'll be able to update this archive.

But in case I will, you can subscribe via RSS – without a Twitter account. Rationale

RT @dvassallo:
Forget about becoming something. Just do stuff.

Don't write to become a writer. Write when you feel like writing. Applies t…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

More buggy animal programming:…

The squirrel’s mouth is completely filled with a peanut. Nonetheless, it tries to gnaw on a hazelnut, but its teeth can’t reach the hazelnut. It just keeps going for a while. The squirrel has no idea what it’s doing.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Is haram

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @dvassallo:
Why you should reconsider the steady paycheck. From Antifragile:

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


It's because the interpreter/compiler (depending on your JS implementation) reads { foo, bar } as shorthand and expands it to { foo: foo, bar: bar }. It's a shorthand for object notation. Its introduction was pretty recent as I recall.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Wow ist das echt?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Happening now, tune in!…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


It might be good to explain to ppl why that works.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

“[...] it is expected that parents would have the final say [in vaccinating their children] in any case”

In other words, parents could force their children to take the vaccine.

The article is all science, zero morals.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@hoplitnet @GermanAtPompey

Aren’t they all? :)

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Counter the advertisement there is a cancelation fee in the millions.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Geht auch “Best-Practice”?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @Bobby_Network:
A new snack-series has been released by @wef to ensure proper stakeholder capitalism-metabolism for the future.

𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚒…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Looks like 12

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Very cool. Reminds me of Brett Victor.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Tune in tomorrow, 12pm PST.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@MynonaZwo @NormalP36820428 @TextSkizzen

Stimmt, gute Idee—ich liege vermutlich falsch. Es sei denn, "welche" hat nur "meine" Bedeutung, wenn es im Plural verwendet wird.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@MynonaZwo @NormalP36820428 @TextSkizzen

Kann aber gut sein, dass das nur meine Interpretation des Worts "welche" ist.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@MynonaZwo @NormalP36820428 @TextSkizzen

Faende ich da auch besser. Fuer mich hat "welche" jedoch eine etwas andere Bedeutung als "die". "Die Diener, welche die Diebe ueberraschten..." impliziert fuer mich: Unter allen Dienern gab es manche, die die Diebe ueberrascht haben. Aber es waeren nicht alle Diener.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@SyrslyWasTaken @CodeNewbies

Differences in opinion do not imply subjectivity to a matter. It's actually the opposite: there's a problem that can be solved, and whether one solves it is an objective fact.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @CodeNewbies:

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@KennethCassel @SimonHoiberg @SlipApp

Idea to get more users to sign up: only charge $19 a month once they start making money.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


"Absolute statements" make it easier for you to criticize me than wishy-washy ones btw, so they help a critical discussion along. They're indicative of the opposite of an "absolute inability for dialog" (which was a bit rude, don't you think?).

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Maybe the criteria I use are wrong. Concretely, you could convince me that animals are conscious if you show me some animal behavior that could not possibly have been preprogrammed by evolution.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


We both know what we're talking about when the talk about the problem of consciousness, so we don't need a definition. Some problems with definitions here:…

My mind is not made up. There are ways you could convince me I am wrong that I could tell you.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@KennethCassel @SimonHoiberg @SlipApp

Looks cool. I don't get the pricing overview though:

I pay you $19 a month and 10% of my sales, or you pay me that? (I hope the former!)

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


I guess Sam Harris' "what it feels like to be something." But definitions aren't important.

More importantly, there are criteria for consciousness, and animals don't meet them.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@jasssnaj @Facebook

for sure

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

One of the major problems with Covid is all the horrible inequity it's caused. We have two classes now: ppl with and w/o Covid. We need to infect ppl ASAP before the divide between the haves and have nots gets out of control. The top 1% can afford to share some of their Covid!

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@DorfGinger @Facebook

"It's just a few minutes and you're healthy so you can spare them, surely this is important enough or do you not care about the sick?"

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@DorfGinger @Facebook

A prominent reminder of what many consider a "killer virus" at the top of the newsfeed. Trying to get even healthy people to worry. Guilt-tripping them into participating in the survey. "Can you spare a few minutes [so your grandmother doesn't die you healthy piece of shit]?"

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @elonmusk:

I am accumulating resources to help make life multiplanetary & extend the light of consciousness to the stars

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @JanosSzucs7:

probably was pretty stoked about Sputnik though

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @micsolana:
bernie sanders literally saw the first moon landing and thought “meh”

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RT @micsolana:
neil armstrong: “... one giant leap for mankind”

bernie sanders: incoherent grumbling

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

No, I can't, @Facebook. Now stop fearmongering.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@MonicaGandhi9 @ThomasEWoods

Don’t wait for permission to interact normally with humans again. Just do it.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Spot on. Typical static-society thinking.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@SavvasStephnds @SimonHoiberg

“code is indeed better if it explains itself” doesn’t conflict with what Simon is saying.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


  1. (inc i)
@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Please block me then.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@jameshamblin @codinghorror

Doubtful that the COVID death number is that high.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @nomadcapitalist:
The places you can't go.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Just found out that you can use the $ heroku open command with an optional path. `$ heroku open /foo/bar' will open your app at path '/foo/bar'!

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @TribalSpaceCat:
Scientists: if we don’t act fast, the ice caps will only keep getting hotter

The ice caps:

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Und verkauft dies als Schulden, die man von Andersdenkenden einfordern könne.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @ClimateWarrior7:
Britannia is a kind of Roman goddess who personifies Britain, so it's fitting that she should be depicted as Black.


@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

This cat does not recognize itself in the mirror but sees another cat.

And yet, I don’t think those who consider self-recognition evidence of consciousness would say this cat isn’t conscious.

So should self-recognition even make a difference to them?…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


... but private companies could do it better.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@antariksh_17 @SimonHoiberg

Didn't say it was easy. But it's definitely worth trying.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Better to find something that’s in demand and in line with your preferences. You’ll be happier and will also build better products as a result.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Your own preference is very important, because going against it will make you miserable.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @astupple:
Are AI safety concerns philosophically sound?
is hosting a debate b/t economist
and software…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

More buggy animal programming:…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


There are very good explanations saying that animals are not, in fact, conscious, and that humans are, in fact, infinitely special compared to all other animals. And it has nothing to do with religion.

Have you read David's books?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Challenge accepted:

(Well, a web app, not a smartphone app, but nvm that.)…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@all_incorrect @DavidDeutschOxf

Design does not need a (conscious or unconscious) designer!

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@all_incorrect @DavidDeutschOxf

Assuming that animals aren't conscious, they can still contain shape-recognition algorithms created by biological evolution, which itself isn't a conscious process. So nowhere in that chain is anything conscious and yet you still end up with a working shape-recognition algo.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@all_incorrect @DavidDeutschOxf

It does hold water because the point is that shape-recognition algorithms are not evidence of consciousness on the part of the "shape recognizer."

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Very cool. Been meaning to get into woodworking myself, glad to be reminded.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

I just found out that there’s non-GMO salt. But there no genes in salt, are there? Can anyone explain to me how that makes sense?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@SmartBeta1 @DavidDeutschOxf @ME_McCullough @HumanProgress

That life sometimes throws challenges at us unexpectedly does not legitimize coercing people. There's an underlying equivocation of two different things called "force." See…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @gleason_colum:
The American Rescue Plan will mean the government is taking our money and giving us a small portion back. It means pulli…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @DavidDeutschOxf:
@ME_McCullough @HumanProgress

Intentionally imposing dilemmas on people without their informed consent is immoral. Doi…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Yes, but also: Bayesian epistemology is not just less general and accurate, but entirely false.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

It's not "most scientists." Popper's epistemology is hugely underrated. And his epistemology is about so much more than falsification.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

New blog post: "Teachers Who 'Take Children Seriously'"…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


First, it means that we will have solved important philosophical problems, including how the mind works and (maybe) what qualia are.

Second, medical science would be replaced by hardware engineering, then there's effective immortality, cheap, safe, and ultra-fast space travel...

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@ks445599 @ella_hoeppner @cgbessellieu

The best I've heard so far is Deutsch's argument that cosmological theories have been changing so frequently lately that we shouldn't plan our future according to the latest one.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

If you're a web developer looking for projects, check if your favorite apps have a web frontend yet. If not, chances are they'll want one soon. Reach out to them and offer value.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @DavidDeutschOxf:
And anyway, what did you expect them to secrete instead, dioxygen difluoride? FOOF.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @TheAtlasSociety:
It's Easy To Make It Rain When Others' Dollars Are Being Used Instead Of Your Own... #ShrinkGovernment #Liberty #AynRa…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@Bobby_Network @Deframing1

kotzgrün trifft es gut

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@Michael_RA @crit_rat @RadioBabe @cgbessellieu

It will once we create it.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

The WEF has lost its fucking mind.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @DailySignal:
“Against which races do you harbor racial bias?”

@SenTomCotton questioned President Biden’s DOJ nominee Vanita Gupta abo…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @MrJonasDanner:
Du findest einen Lockdown gut? -> Bleib daheim.
Du magst hohe Steuern? -> Zahl hohe Steuern.
Du findest Autos böse? -> F…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Crushing it!

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


I started by reading “HTML for Dummies.” Then learned CSS and a bit of JavaScript, then Ruby. Treehouse has good courses:

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

This is why—and I'll say it again—"learn to code" is good advice.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

These are the people who think they're tolerant and loving.…

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Reminds me of how people try to justify coercing children by saying “sometimes they’ll have to do things they don’t want to later in life and this is how they learn how to do that.” They’re equivocating two completely different meanings of the word “force.” :(

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @nixcraft:
Experts found three new 15-year-old bugs in a Linux kernel module. These 15-year-old flaws in Linux kernel could be exploited…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Ja aber ist es nicht auch doppelt gemoppelt?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Wie steht’s um “darauf folgend”?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

A nice illustration of Gombrich’s “making comes before matching.” Decide one tower is in the foreground, and you’ll really see it being in the foreground.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@SimonHoiberg @devinDford

That’s the spirit.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @RepThomasMassie:
This is true every time people let politicians have more power:

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@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Have you heard of Karl Popper? This may be of interest:…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@reason_wit_me @mgoldingmd

Nice. I have been thinking for a while now that many doctors don't explain their diagnoses and treatment plans enough. They say "cool your foot twice a day for five days." Okay, but why? And how will I know if I'm doing something counterproductive without an explanation?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


There is no contradiction as both approaches reduce government influence, which is what that's really about.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @dchackethal:
Prescient lines re the pandemic:

"The prophetic approach can see only what one might do to postpone disaster, namely impr…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

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