Dennis Hackethal’s Blog

My blog about philosophy, coding, and anything else that interests me.


An archive of my tweets and retweets through . They may be formatted slightly differently than on Twitter. API access has since gotten prohibitively expensive – I don't know whether or when I'll be able to update this archive.

But in case I will, you can subscribe via RSS – without a Twitter account. Rationale

@ragyeleish @RMConservative

How are antibiotics going to help with a virus?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @Resist_05:
Australia is not OK.. send help.!

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @dvassallo:
My idea validation process:

  1. Will I enjoy it?
  2. Can I do it on my own?
  3. Is it likely to work?
  4. Is it okay if it does…
@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @libsoftiktok:
If you’re ever having a bad day, just remember there are people living in Australia.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @libsoftiktok:
🚨 This insanity is happening on college campuses

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Actually, wait. Flight simulators don’t come with a risk of injury. That’s different.

Practicing caring on a non-conscious object, I mean, fine, I guess. But not when you risk injuring yourself?!

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


First it was about your dog, and now that I’ve addressed your dog, suddenly it’s about rats.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@AstralKing7 @RichardDawkins

Based on what?

Because you haven’t counter-refuted them.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Note how you conveniently ignored all my responses about your dog and how you ignored another question of mine.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Point to a specific rat study and how it taught us more about ourselves that makes us think they’re conscious?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@AstralKing7 @RichardDawkins

There is no reason to assume […]

More “I’m already right” thinking.

[…] that human language and cognition were required for conscious awareness or feelings. That’s exactly backwards.

Agreed on the language part but when did I claim language was required??

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@AstralKing7 @RichardDawkins

We are all related, after all.

I believe I had already refuted the notion that this has any bearing on the question of whether animals are conscious.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@AstralKing7 @RichardDawkins

This doesn’t address anything I said. You’re again just looking for confirmation of your existing beliefs. You don’t want to get to the bottom of the matter.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


We’re not gonna make much headway in this conversation if you’re not willing to be critical of your own ideas.

Consider what that means if you’re wrong: you’ll be stuck with your wrong ideas forever.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


I think how defensive you got and how you decided to insult me instead of staying on topic got is evidence of the very claim I was making.


@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@AstralKing7 @RichardDawkins

Here’s how you can make a robot behave in a way that looks like a pain reaction, no consciousness needed:…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


In any case, these threads are getting unwieldy because they’re branching off in all kinds of directions and Twitter is terrible for discussing.

Want to continue publicly over email? If so, email me:

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Also, instead of dismissing something as a language game or irrelevant, and instead of trying to extort agreement from me, you should critically assess your own views and take my comments as honest help with that.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


It’s only a single word so it can’t be a “language [game]”. And it answers your question directly so it can’t be “not revelant”.

This is already enough to refute your claim but here are some more answers to your questions:……

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


I don’t think you’ve actually answered a single question I’ve posed since we started talking.

Demonstrably false. Notably, the very first word I wrote to you (“Correct”) was an answer (which you immediately followed up by ignoring my question):…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


If the amoeba backs away from threats and predators through mere pain reactions from the nervous system without the associated suffering the survival value is the same as with the associated suffering.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


It’s a complex behavior.

As I believe I have explained, no matter how complex, behavior can be inborn and pre-programmed. Complexity is not evidence of consciousness.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


How could he taste treats, feel bath anxiety, realize I was tricking him, or care about anything?

He doesn’t do any of that.

By the way, what does it say about your love for your dog that you deliberately trick him?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


And why would a nonconscious dog even try to override his love of treats to avoid a hated bath?

I’ve given the answer previously in a different context. Because his genes programmed him to.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Here are your answers:

How could he do it without consciousness, Dennis?

I put this together for you:…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


I stand corrected: you did eventually answer that here…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@AstralKing7 @RichardDawkins

Plus at the very least it must be possible the same way nature did it.

We don’t know how to do it currently, but it must be possible. Computational universality is the theory, nature already having done it is your evidence.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@AstralKing7 @RichardDawkins

No […]

Yay you answered a question of mine!

Have we ever demonstrated thst we can build a conscious anything, let alone a gum-toothpick computer?

‘Demonstrated’ by building something? Dunno. But no need to. Follows from computational universality.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@AstralKing7 @RichardDawkins

Have you still not read my blog post about swimming dogs? It’d be a lot easier to find refutations of your arguments in there than to talk to me. Would save you a lot of time, too.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@AstralKing7 @RichardDawkins

The creative software running on your brain. It’s a continuous process of discovery and knowledge creation.

See how I answer your questions but you don’t answer mine? Can you answer mine now, please?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@AstralKing7 @RichardDawkins

…intelligence does see it. I don’t know why you keep trying to coerce me into agreement when I’ve already explained that won’t work.

Also, biological entities can be machines because machines can be made out of tissue. You’re implying a contradiction but there is none.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@AstralKing7 @RichardDawkins

He’d assume everybody capable of reading the book would know he was actually speaking about biological entities, not machines.

You’re being very aggressive again. You’re implying I’m the only one not seeing what Dawkins meant, whereas everyone else with even basic…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@AstralKing7 @RichardDawkins

How could there be a quote?

There could be a quote that backs up your claim, of the sort ‘what I say about organisms being genes’ robots should be understood as a metaphor’. Without such a quote, you should entertain the idea that you may be mistaken about what Dawkins meant

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Then I asked if a proposed way to continue the conversation was agreeable to you. You didn’t answer, just immediately started pursuing that way.

I don’t know the biology of amoebas, so I’m guessing.

We always are.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


First I asked how the amoeba could display complex behaviors without being conscious. You didn’t answer that. You answers another question I didn’t ask, which I have explained. You don’t take what I write literally.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


It’s quite a thing to call your questions more pertinent than mine.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Proof isn’t a desirable epistemic goal. For the reasons Deutsch explains, one has to go by good explanations and be critical, not look for confirmation.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

This is sophisticated behavior. The nanobot must be conscious, right?…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @AnnLesbyPhD:

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Don’t. Follow what’s fun. You won’t need to push yourself.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@_Islamicat @Baddiel

Is should deploy cat-deactivation trick as developed by Mouse-Ad:…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Also, isn’t it ironic that to claim CA “is running out of water” they show a picture with lots of water and green land?…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@DorfGinger @Podge_G

You ignored “it can’t be X because…” (meaning there’s an explanation coming) and “And so on”.

I suggest waiting for the blog post and then reading it, then we can discuss further.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@DorfGinger @Podge_G

Correct, but these aren’t just explanations of the form “NOT X”. They’re of the form “If it were X, then should see this other thing, and we don’t.” Or “it can’t be X because…”. And so on.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


We have good explanations of what consciousness isn’t, and animals fit that to a T. Will explain more in an upcoming blog post titled ‘Animal-Sentience FAQ’, stay tuned.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @ToKTeacher:
Thanks to @jannikwiese and @dchackethal we have an English transcript of this German interview between David and Dennis: ht…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


I don’t know why ppl keep asking me if I’m certain. It has no bearing on the matter. Are you asking literally or simply inviting me to question my beliefs?…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@MagnetThatcher @minobenjo

Can they please program those ‘dogs’ to whimper so that PETA gets involved?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


I see what you mean. Fair.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


If you simulate a conscious mind in a robot then the robot is conscious in reality and does suffer.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


I’m not certain but I’m not after certainty.

I don’t see how ‘rescuing’ your Roomba when it gets stuck under a piece of furniture is practicing caring. But do your thing. Different strokes I guess…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

“California is running out of water”…

Expropriate water companies at a price the government chooses (see Berlin with apartments) if water isn’t already ‘public’. Then force people to conserve water by shutting their water off. Also try ‘water lockdowns’.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


You can’t harm robots. You can damage them, but you can’t cause them any suffering.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Why? Would you rescue a metal robot?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

One of the dumber things you can do is try to rescue a meat robot at the risk of injuring yourself.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @ClimateWarrior7:
Algeria should invade Australia and install a democratic regime.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Could be because a 30% rise of a small number is much easier to achieve than a 30% rise of a much higher number.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

She’s a mother (see her bio).

More people using their creativity to be conformists.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Die Arroganz wirtschaftlicher Planer (also wirtschaftlicher Analphabeten) kennt keine Grenzen.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Your tax dollars at work. Monopoly of violence not working out so well is it?…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@TitaniaMcGrath @billburr

have you seen this

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Hopefully not since they’re all white.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @DrJBhattacharya:
Bulletin from zero-COVID NZ:
Two men arrested for smuggling KFC in violation of NZ level four lockdown. Police photos…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Yes because persuasion is always possible. You don’t need coercion to ‘get’ people to do things. Not to mention that with such a high death rate it would be so much easier to persuade them.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@ClimateWarrior7 @Markgsparrow

Canned cats are pretty good too.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@rickwsint @astupple

The same argument is often used to coerce adults. For example to coerce ‘covidiots’ who don’t ‘get’ how important vaccines are.

But both kids and adults are capable of understanding. They’re universal explainers (David Deutsch).

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Having ‘less inequality’ is bad not good.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter…

Lovely commentary on @AOC

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@rickwsint @astupple

Rick, you should become a daycare employee so you can protect children from safetyism by assaulting them. Surely there are many open positions and your colleagues will love you. Try applying for one today!

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Neither, I think, because both can lead to coercion. Perhaps a better alternative is: everyone individually should strive to solve what he considers to be the most fun problem.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


The chick in the photo may be Covid-free but definitely not tick-free!

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Wasn’t there something about checks and balances?…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Auf Deutsch funktioniert die Szene auch gut:

‘Hol ihn runter, Toddy.’
‘Ja, Toddy, hol beiden einen runter.’…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@Gebhartattack @brbascript

It’s an Easter egg. Most people don’t know this.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter



@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Chatting with @IamtheWay13 about Popper’s criterion and state-sponsored violence:…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @Neuro_Skeptic:
This product will stimulate touch receptors in your arm, which sends signals to your brain! If you think that’s neat, wa…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @TheBabylonBee:
Vaccinated Man Just Wishes There Was Something That Could Protect Him From COVID…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@ToKTeacher @DavidDeutschOxf

Yes. Each video is a separate interview with its own distinct content.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @DavidDeutschOxf:
Mein erstes Interview auf Deutsch (plus ein Bonus-Interview auf Englisch) über mein Buch Der Anfang der Unendlichkeit:…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


For those who wish to jump straight to the English one:…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Nested groupings could occur in the middle as well, and in more than one place:

‘well=made-order=receipt printout’

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

For deeply nested groupings the number of bars should increase so you can always identify groupings without ambiguity: ‘author≡copy=order-receipt printout’.

Doubtful you’d ever need more than three bars for a hyphenation.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Contrast the last example with ‘artificial-general-intelligence researcher’. There’s no nested grouping in the latter yet the hyphenation is the same. That’s confusing.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Hyphenation rules don’t work well for nested hyphenation groupings.

‘author copy’ needs no hyphen.
‘author-copy order’ needs a hyphen to group ‘author’ and ‘copy’.
‘author-copy-order receipt’ is a mess. It should be ‘author=copy-order receipt’ so you can see the nested groupings

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


The translation is now available for purchase:

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@theoliverhinz @m_ashcroft @reasonisfun

The book is now available for purchase:

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Das Buch ist jetzt erhältlich:

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @michaelmalice:
A vaccine passport is not proof of being covid-free
It is proof of submission

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@Numb3rPi @DavidDeutschOxf

Dann wird die deutsche Version bestimmt viele der offenen Fragen beantworten!

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @DavidDeutschOxf:
🇩🇪 🇦🇹 🇨🇭 🇱🇺 🇱🇮

Der Anfang der Unendlichkeit (die deutsche Übersetzung von The Beginning of Infinity) ist endlich erhä…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @BuffaLoveTim:

I just pray that our navy is diverse enough to handle this threat

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @ClimateWarrior7:
The one with the megaphone is the boss protestor you face at the end of the level.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


I don’t know much about hypnosis but I’m very skeptical of it and think it’s quite possible the effects are self-induced by people who want it to work.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

I maintain that animals are robots.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

It does seem rather like raising a whole generation of Howard Hughes-type hypochondriacs.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

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