Dennis Hackethal’s Blog

My blog about philosophy, coding, and anything else that interests me.

Evidence of Animal Insentience

Published · revised · 4-minute read

I have been collecting Instagram videos of animals for years. These videos are evidence of the fact that animals are not sentient. They mostly show bugs and nonsensical behavior, things that wouldn’t happen if animals were sentient.

Some of the same bugs are present in several different animals of the same species, and even across species, meaning those bugs must be genetic. It also means animals execute their genetic programming uncritically. What all of these videos have in common is that the animals are not critical. I think the ability to be critical is a necessary requirement for sentience.

Many of these videos are hilarious but I list them for serious analysis. The comments people posted on those videos are worth reading, too. People often realize how nonsensical, even robotic animals are but then don’t draw the logical conclusion that animals aren’t sentient.

Over the years, people who think animals are sentient have challenged me to explain dozens of different behaviors in terms of insentience. Which I did every time. So here’s my challenge: explain every single video below in terms of sentience. And after you’re done, I will have another list just as long. (I have many more videos saved but stopped listing them at some point – I think the list below is exhaustive already.)

The videos are mostly of cats because I like cats and Instagram shows me more of those. But there are some other animals too, like dogs and different kinds of birds, a snail and a bear, etc.


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What people are saying

This cat has the exact same meowing pattern on three occasions:

The video even calls the cat an ‘NPC’ (non-playable character, ie dumb video-game AI, which often makes the exact same utterances):

When your cat is actually an NPC and he tries to offer you the same side quest every single time you walk to his area of the map.

It’s a joke but shouldn’t be.

#1012 · dennis (verified commenter) · on an earlier version (v4) of this post

Cat ‘uses’ missing arm to hit other cats:

#1177 · dennis (verified commenter) ·

Dog kicks itself, gets ‘mad’/‘confused’:

#1178 · dennis (verified commenter) ·

#1210 · dennis (verified commenter) ·

Cat doesn’t recognize owner anymore after owner gets haircut:

#1243 · dennis (verified commenter) ·

Somebody shared this video of a dog basically humping the air:

#1276 · dennis (verified commenter) ·

That reminds me, I once saw female dog trying to hump a male dog.

#1277 · dennis (verified commenter) · in response to comment #1276

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