Dennis Hackethal’s Blog

My blog about philosophy, coding, and anything else that interests me.


An archive of my tweets and retweets through . They may be formatted slightly differently than on Twitter. API access has since gotten prohibitively expensive – I don't know whether or when I'll be able to update this archive.

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I’m saying it would be universal creativity.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


It sounds to me like you misunderstand the role of evidence.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


We know this thanks to my neo-Darwinian approach to the mind:…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@hazzymg @AnimalNoContext

fair enough, I genuinely thought most people thought the dog made conscious decisions, as people usually do

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Then making those universal won’t be enough. Being able to explore more an existing landscape doesn’t make those programs the creators of that landscape:….

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Sounds like a kind of limited ‘pan'psychism.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

How could this meat robot do that without being conscious? (Watch till the end first)

I suspect the video is a trick: the dog was trained to go over this exact sequence dozens of times with human guidance until it was good enough its owner could make the video to fool people.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Sounds like present-day ‘evolutionary’ algorithms?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


That sounds like something that’s automatable and already commonplace. So we’d need to ask why applications that do this aren’t already conscious, or, if they are, why we haven’t noticed.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


That’s not what I mean when I say ‘awareness’. It’s too broad a definition. An addition algorithm isn’t ‘aware’ of the parameters it is given like humans are of their surroundings when awake, and calling it that is stretching the concept of ‘awareness’ to meaninglessness.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Before I answer what may be wrong with what you suggested, let me make sure I understand. By “consciousness is […] connecting one’s knowledge processing to the broader causal network” you mean integrating new knowledge into one’s existing knowledge?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


I meant the word “simply” in particular. Once we know how it works it may seem simple in hindsight but right now it’s a huge unknown and a difficult problem.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


I’d be careful saying things like ‘consciousness is simply…’ There have been lots of ‘explanations’ of that sort and so far they have all been wrong.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Awareness seems to, the other ones I don’t think so.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Same, I think:…

(But note that not all “post-programmed behaviour” would be evidence of intelligence.)

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Do a search for “The only alternative that is left is that consciousness has to do with the creation of knowledge” on that page.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @HumanProgress:
We’ve all seen the name Pasteur on our milk cartons.

But the French scientist did more than just invent pasteurization…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

New blog post: ‘A Programmer’s Guide to Revolutions’…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


I’m not certain and I’m not striving for certainty or reasons for belief.

I think there are several good explanations here:…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


sigh I know…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@Enasnil @RichardDawkins

Deutsch also explains this here:…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Why Twitter just why

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@ThosVarley @PessoaBrain

Competing hypotheses are rarely ambiguous so I don’t see a problem there. At least I can’t remember running into that.

Not familiar with the problems of introspection.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@Enasnil @RichardDawkins

Just because science demotes humans doesn’t mean it’s wrong not to demote them. (I’d claim the opposite: it is immoral to demote them.)

So yes: humans are special and do have a higher purpose than anything else in the universe. (See David Deutsch’s The Beginning of Infinity)

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@ThosVarley @PessoaBrain

Studying the mind directly through epistemology. Karl Popper and David Deutsch have done great work in this area.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


No, it’s got nothing to do with certainty. It has to do with how good our explanations are.

People used to be very certain that the sun revolves around the earth. How certain we are that animals can or cannot suffer has no bearing on whether they can.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @RealJamesWoods:

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Somebody needs to read The Beginning of Infinity.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

New blog post: ‘Animal-Sentience Discussion Tree’…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@LytollisRyan @ClimateWarrior7

Ryan importantly points out that there’s not just a single climate change. There are multiple “climate changes”, each caused by straight white men. In light of this multiplicity we need #climatelockdowns now.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


That the brain should be studied to understand consciousness:…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Like wire in a radio “causing” the voices…

Yeah, that’s a nice analogy. Actually, much deeper than a mere analogy.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Again, don’t worry about the brain. If we built a computer made of cotton candy and vacuum tubes and programmed it to be conscious you wouldn’t study the special properties of cotton candy to understand consciousness, would you?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Hard to walk away from Roger Penrose when the logic supports his position. Every statement is true until shown to be false.

If that’s Penrose’s stance: isn’t it ironic that you speak of ‘support’ and then in the next sentence claim that support isn’t necessary?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


This is true, but highly theoretical.


@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@hig_james @BallWw123f @RichardDawkins

Ah, yes. More specificity is needed. Perhaps something like: electrical signals that result in retreat/not doing something again/negative reinforcement more generally.

Would that be better?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@hig_james @BallWw123f @RichardDawkins

You writing that tweet was also driven by electrical signals in your brain. As is ~everything you do. So that doesn’t tell us much.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@Enasnil @RichardDawkins

but this would give more importance to humans

What’s wrong with that?

[would] make it more likely that this life is some kind of game, test, soul development or simulation.


@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@14159Josh @RichardDawkins

I don’t the word ‘reflex’ once in my blog post but if you mean ‘algorithmic’ here’s your answer:…

All mammals have a dive reflex, the presence of it in dogs is not surprising

I didn’t say it was.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@Annascreativemo @RichardDawkins

You’ve clearly never seen a dog suffer from separate anxiety.

I have. I’ve also seen tons of videos said to be ‘evidence’ that animals are conscious people have thrown at me but so far I’ve always been able to explain why those videos are not, in fact, evidence.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@stevilsaid @RichardDawkins

Yes, humans are animals that suffer, but it doesn’t follow that all animals suffer:…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@Pyrrho19 @BallWw123f @RichardDawkins

You shouldn’t read something you don’t want to read.

You did start reading, then you encountered a problem (you didn’t like the term ‘bug’). I explained why it fits well. The post should make more sense to you now but you’re welcome not to read it.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@BallWw123f @Pyrrho19 @RichardDawkins

IIRC he has, and he’s explained why that doesn’t make sense because before the earth existed there weren’t days.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@fman123 @BallWw123f @Pyrrho19 @RichardDawkins

Science moving on “a great deal” is the point: 10, 100, or 1000 years from now people may well say the same thing about our view of animals.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@hig_james @BallWw123f @RichardDawkins

Are you talking about suffering more generally […] or […] the suffering associated with pain?

Depends on the context. Generally both. It’s actually really important that humans can suffer without any physical pain being present.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@hig_james @BallWw123f @RichardDawkins

How are you distinguishing pain and suffering?

Pain, to me, is physical: electrical signals.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@Captain_Concept @FluffyKittyA @RichardDawkins

Assuming it is narcissistic, does that have any bearing on the truth of the matter?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@grain99806254 @Der_Prometheus @RichardDawkins

It doesn’t explain anything […]

It explains a great deal: it explains what people are, an age-old question, finally answered by Deutsch.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@grain99806254 @Der_Prometheus @RichardDawkins

Saying that individual humans are instantiations of a program is like Plato’s claim that individual things participate in their Ideal form […]

It isn’t. Plato’s got nothing to do with this.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@grain99806254 @Der_Prometheus @RichardDawkins

There’s no conflict between animal behavior being algorithmic and goal-oriented.

Re affective & common sense: common sense is often wrong so that something is common sense doesn’t tell us much.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@grain99806254 @Der_Prometheus @RichardDawkins

Algorithmic means behavior such as this:…
And I’m not trying to prove anything.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@J318Ryke @LouiseH74531141 @RichardDawkins

But until this isnt proven without doubt no ethical conclusion can be made.

That can never be done because we are fallible and proving theories is impossible (Karl Popper).

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@J318Ryke @LouiseH74531141 @RichardDawkins

It is irresponsible to use scientific theories to justify suffering.

I agree. That would be scientism. But I don’t use science to justify suffering, because I use philosophy, and I don’t justify suffering. IF animals can suffer, I think we shouldn’t harm them.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

“Actually I’m Jamaican” :D…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


And there’s nothing humans can do that a computer with enough space & speed + the right programming & input/output devices couldn’t do.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


[…] humans can look at simple code and know with certainty that it results in an endless loop […]

They can’t know that with certainty. They can always be mistaken about how the code or the underlying hardware works.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


If you loved The Beginning of Infinity why aren’t you taking the ideas in it seriously and wasting your time thinking about the brain when you should be thinking about the mind?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


We’d need more detail in neurology to use this to rule out consciousness of any level in animals, I think.

You can’t need more detail in something that’s already ruled out as impertinent.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


There are pertinent neurological details that apply.

Computational universality rules that out.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


What’s that gonna do?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@SmashAGrape @q_douglashofsta @davideagleman

David Deutsch cites I am a Strange Loop and writes in The Beginning of Infinity:

Following Dennett, Hofstadter eventually concludes that the ‘I’ is an illusion.

That sounds like Hofstadter outright denies that consciousness exists, not like he thinks it’s a spectrum.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Idk. I read GEB to the halfway point. Not a fan.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Animals are mostly hardware (DNA) driven. Humans are mostly software (reason) driven. If you are saying this, I agree.

I’m not. Both are software-driven, but their software is different.

Are you familiar with I Am A Strange Loop?

I know of it but haven’t read it.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


If you read my blog post, I don’t think you understood it…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


“just because of that” But I gave many more reasons didn’t I?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Are infant humans conscious?


How about humans with genetic defects such as mongoloid syndrome, etc.?


[…] disabling a cat through specific genetically programed response does not prove lack of consciousness.

I’m not after proof.


@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


There should be ‘food lockdowns’ where, for environmental as well as health reasons, people don’t get to eat for a certain amount of time. But if they qualify they can get a passport which will allow them to eat insects. #science

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

“where possible” LOL…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Woher wissen wir, was wir wissen?

Nächsten Dienstag um 19 Uhr MEZ lese ich das erste Kapitel aus David Deutschs Buch Der Anfang der Unendlichkeit auf Clubhouse. Hört mit rein! Jetzt in den Kalender eintragen:

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Glad you liked it!

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @MatMcGann:

This is the clearest form of that side of the argument I’ve read. This debate in CR circles is one of the most…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Correct because both should have to pay nothing.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@ogletwirl @ClimateWarrior7

Nothing is more important than diversity.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

New blog post: ‘Animal-Sentience FAQ’…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@DorfGinger @Podge_G…

If you’d like to discuss I encourage you to leave a comment at the bottom of the page – discussing is easier there since there’s no character limit.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

I thought they were gonna go with constellations next for naming mutants?

This one is “highly mutated” LOL

⚡️ “Is the R.1 variant in California? What to know about the highly mutated COVID strain” by @sfchronicle…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


I think it’s pretty difficult to stop thinking of animals as conscious. One reason is that many are pressured into caring for animals. But it would be fruitful for them to entertain that animals may not be conscious, then discuss and come to their own conclusion.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Ah, you mean like people who torture animals thinking that animals can suffer?

Then yes, I could imagine that being psychologically harmful to those people.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@ragyeleish @RMConservative

How are antibiotics going to help with a virus?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @Resist_05:
Australia is not OK.. send help.!

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @dvassallo:
My idea validation process:

  1. Will I enjoy it?
  2. Can I do it on my own?
  3. Is it likely to work?
  4. Is it okay if it does…
@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @libsoftiktok:
If you’re ever having a bad day, just remember there are people living in Australia.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @libsoftiktok:
🚨 This insanity is happening on college campuses

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Actually, wait. Flight simulators don’t come with a risk of injury. That’s different.

Practicing caring on a non-conscious object, I mean, fine, I guess. But not when you risk injuring yourself?!

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


First it was about your dog, and now that I’ve addressed your dog, suddenly it’s about rats.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@AstralKing7 @RichardDawkins

Based on what?

Because you haven’t counter-refuted them.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Note how you conveniently ignored all my responses about your dog and how you ignored another question of mine.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Point to a specific rat study and how it taught us more about ourselves that makes us think they’re conscious?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@AstralKing7 @RichardDawkins

There is no reason to assume […]

More “I’m already right” thinking.

[…] that human language and cognition were required for conscious awareness or feelings. That’s exactly backwards.

Agreed on the language part but when did I claim language was required??

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@AstralKing7 @RichardDawkins

We are all related, after all.

I believe I had already refuted the notion that this has any bearing on the question of whether animals are conscious.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@AstralKing7 @RichardDawkins

This doesn’t address anything I said. You’re again just looking for confirmation of your existing beliefs. You don’t want to get to the bottom of the matter.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


We’re not gonna make much headway in this conversation if you’re not willing to be critical of your own ideas.

Consider what that means if you’re wrong: you’ll be stuck with your wrong ideas forever.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


I think how defensive you got and how you decided to insult me instead of staying on topic got is evidence of the very claim I was making.


@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

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