Dennis Hackethal’s Blog

My blog about philosophy, coding, and anything else that interests me.


An archive of my tweets and retweets through . They may be formatted slightly differently than on Twitter. API access has since gotten prohibitively expensive – I don't know whether or when I'll be able to update this archive.

But in case I will, you can subscribe via RSS – without a Twitter account. Rationale

RT @ryanlongcomedy:
Breaking News: Your Should Still Be Very Afraid

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @aginnt:
An older woman in Germany is a threat to society because she breaks unscientific COVID law.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

‘But without government, who’d beat the scary ‘rona out of people??’…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @aginnt:
What COVID democracy looks like in Europe.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


These scientists are going against THE SCIENCE ™.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

When personal responsibility is exactly what they want you to negate by acting in the interest of the collective.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @ClimateWarrior7:
Rest assured, they are all being beaten and savaged by dogs perfectly legally.

These people were outside, and it’s il…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @ClimateWarrior7:
Imagine living in 2100 when the sea level has gone up 100 metres on the US East Coast and only 30 metres on the West C…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @aginnt:
Amsterdam living under the thumb of “public health”.

From today.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @aginnt:
An unbelievable turnout today in Amsterdam to end lockdowns and COVID law.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @reitschuster:
Frage an die Polizei (nicht nur) in #Amsterdam: Wie weit seid Ihr bereit zu gehen? Werdet Ihr auch schießen, wenn ein Sch…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @ClimateWarrior7:
Great news for unvaccinated Italians. Now some of them will starve to death.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @aginnt:
Huge protests break out all across Germany on New Years to end COVID restrictions.

Koblenz, Germany tonight👇🏼…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @diemauerthewall:
Press kit regarding PAN AM’s inaugural first direct flight New York to Berlin on May 30, 1964.
#Berlin #PanAmerican #T…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @therealrukshan:
It is being reported that a man distressed by vaccine mandates has set himself and his car on fire in Victoria, Austral…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @hubertus_knabe:

Da unterschätzen Sie den wissenschaftlich-technischen Fortschritt im #Sozialismus!…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @hubertus_knabe:
Mein Vorsatz für 2022: Mehr Nachhaltigkeit im Alltag!
#neuesjahr #Neujahrsvorsatz

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @dvassallo:
Work-life balance has almost nothing to do with how many hours you work, but whether it’s your work that fits within your pr…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @ClimateWarrior7:
Rugged individualism is white supremacy in its purest and most genocidal form.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @TheBabylonBee:
Unvaccinated Man Feeling Left Out As All His Vaccinated Friends Have COVID…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @aginnt:
The Munich mayor bans COVID protests. Here is how the people responded.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

So schlimm wie in der DDR ist es wohl (noch) nicht, aber es ist schlimm genug.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @ClimateWarrior7:
Science, science, why have you forsaken me?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Which was worse, new matrix or don’t look up?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @Jonas_Hermann:
Kanzler Olaf Scholz hält Rechtsextreme für die grösste Bedrohung. Die Zahlen der Bundesanwaltschaft ergeben ein ganz and…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @aginnt:
Germans continue to protest tonight against looming lockdowns and vaxx mandates.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @ANothlich:
Würde man die Menschen massiv auf Herpes testen und jeden positiv getesteten Toten einen Herpes-Sterbefall nennen, könnten w…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

What could go wrong?…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @ClimateWarrior7:
Sorry but if you’ve caught covid, you’ve done something wrong. You broke social distancing rules or didn’t wear enough…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


It’s bad. I don’t recommend it. I mentally hold it in a separate category from the other three so as not to ruin the memory.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

“[M]an kann ja das Einhalten von Abständen am besten gewährleisten, indem man die Menschen auf möglichst engem Raum zusammentreibt.”


@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @aginnt:
An anti-mandate protestor makes a scene at an Australian cricket match.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @diemauerthewall:
Berlin, August 1961. Kurz nach dem Mauerbau winken Westberliner in Richtung Osten.
#Berlin #ColdWar
#berlinermauer #b…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @aginnt:
Every major town in Germany experienced a flood of anti-mandate protestors last night.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @ClimateWarrior7:
Death will walk the face of the Earth. The dying will flee screaming from the dead; blood, pus and vomit spewing from…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @aginnt:
Nightly protests continue in Germany against COVID mandates.

Kaiserslautern tonight👇🏼

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


People in the UK have a right to work and a right to rent? Is this for real?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @GregAbbott_TX:
Biden says there’s no federal solution to COVID and that this gets solved at a state level.

He should immediately end h…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @reitschuster:
Wenn die Polizei Pfefferspray gegen Demonstranten einsetzt, die mit Kindern unterwegs sind, und dabei ein Baby Pfefferspr…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @aginnt:
A Christmas rally in Berlin against the COVID police state.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @ThomasEWoods:
“We never said the vaccines stopped transmission”

Liars gonna lie

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @libsoftiktok:
The state of the rental market in NYC

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @aginnt:
Merry Christmas from the streets of Barcelona! No more COVID mandates!

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

“along the wrong axis” 😂…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@Markgsparrow @ClimateWarrior7

Exactly. By some projections, in the next ten years 20 billion ppl will die and 50 billion will immigrate to Berlin alone.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @aginnt:
Protestors march in Germany for Christmas to end COVID mandates.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


I can’t tell if it was a cash grab. They may have genuinely tried to create something great and just failed.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

It sucked. Really bad. It felt like a parody at times. Acting was bad (including Reeves’). Story shallow, not enthralling. I won’t consider this a sequel to the trilogy.

If you disliked the third one and thought it couldn’t get worse: it actually got a lot worse.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

My evaluation of the new Matrix movie:


@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Same to you.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Important article. Hope to see you guys on the other side as well.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @jreichelt:
In unserem Haus, das “Dem deutschen Volke” gewidmet ist, bröckelt der grundgesetzliche Gedanke der Gewaltenteilung. Stattdes…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @textklang:
Stasi surveillance as natural history documentary: covert (or not) filming of #Punks attending gig at Berlin’s Erlöserkirche…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Neurosexism is a serious issue.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @hubertus_knabe:
Die Gleichschaltung des liberalen #Hongkong durch #China geht weiter: »Säule der Schande« zum Gedenken an das #Tiananme…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @BNicholsLiberty:
Brought to you by progressive Democrat hero, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


“Etwas. Unterschied bei schweren Verläufen weiter unklar.” Panikmacher

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @re_develop:
I‘m very excited to read this book @DavidDeutschOxf

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @catturd2:

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Medical tyranny. Scientism at its worst.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

Kenne den Mann zwar nicht, ist aber keine schlechte Aktion!…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @ThomasEWoods:
Boycott Chicago also

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RT @K46444774:

Es nimmt überhand 😡

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RT @twittonreg:
Mutter und Sohn trugen an der frischen Luft keine Masken und wurden brutal festgenommen! Leute, was ist hier los? Masken an…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

RT @ben_brechtken:
Lockdown bleibt Lockdown, auch wenn man die Scheisse “Kontaktbeschränkungen”, “Neujahrsruhe” oder “Solidaritätswackelpud…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@chelywright @IamtheWay13

(That’s assuming it’s not a parody account.)

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


There are some clues here that Chely is a second-hander if you’d like to analyze together @IamtheWay13.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@chelywright @JetBlue

Super spreader

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

This tweet isn’t actually about Breaking Bad. Click bait.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

A good example of how systems that haven’t yet undergone what Deutsch calls the jump to universality can be more difficult to implement than their universal counterpart.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@IamtheWay13 @krlwlzn

[You have] certainly no way of falsifying your accusation.

Somebody I accuse of being second-handed could in principle persuade me that he isn’t one and that I’m wrong.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@IamtheWay13 @krlwlzn

You have no direct access to another person’s thoughts.

That’s always true, of course, but it doesn’t imply that we should never judge. Or we’d have no way of judging!

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@IamtheWay13 @krlwlzn

Yes, but without a good way to distinguish between the two.

Did you read the linked page? I think it contains good ways.

One way to tell is if someone is scared to do something he thinks is right (to the extent that he can) because others might not like it.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@IamtheWay13 @krlwlzn

Everyone repeats ideas shared by other people – that’s just enacting memes. I see nothing wrong with that per se.

What I’m referring to is the concept of second-handedness:…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


I did read it in its entirety and analyzed it in detail. Why did you assume otherwise?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@IamtheWay13 @krlwlzn

Karl asked me what I oppose, not about how to persuade pathetic sheep not to be pathetic sheep anymore.

But yes, I’d guess in the process of persuasion ridicule can sometimes be productive but there are definitely times when it should be avoided.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Warren lies constantly, don’t trust a word she says:…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


Still, even using the definition “A man who causes trouble in a playful way”, how can saying something mainstream be said to meaningfully cause trouble?

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@IamtheWay13 @krlwlzn

If they do it in a setting where most around them disagree they may not be sheep because that takes courage. (But it gets tricky eg if they’re missionaries sent to such settings, or if afterwards they post on social media about how courageous they were being.)

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@IamtheWay13 @krlwlzn

No, they could still believe that spreading ‘the word of god’ is virtuous AND show off what goody two-shoes they are. They’d be merely mistaken about the first part while also being pathetic sheep for the second.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


I don’t understand your second paragraph. I’m guessing the word “guy” refers to yourself, but I was saying that what Deutsch says is mainstream, not what you’re saying.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


AFAIK it also roughly means ‘bad guy’, which in the context of your tweet I took to mean ‘unconventional enough to be perceived as a bad guy/troublemaker’. But English is not my first language so what do I know.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@IamtheWay13 @krlwlzn

Those who post on social media about what good, committed churchgoers they are, sure.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter


I oppose making them mandatory. And those showing off their mask on social media to score social points – they are pathetic sheep.

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RT @NorbertBolz:
“Gendern” ist ein Schulbeispiel dafür, dass auch in einer Demokratie eine Minderheit eine überwältigende Mehrheit tyrannis…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

It’s for your protection.…

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@Rehlein_ms @c_drosten

Da “uns” Plural ist, haettest du doch bereits wissen muessen, dass “nur in Deinem Kopf” falsch ist.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@Rehlein_ms @c_drosten

In “uns” bist du mit drin, oder?

Verstaendlich, dass du es so gelesen hast, war aber so nicht gemeint. Ich meinte es solidarisch.

Was willst Du damit bezwecken?

Dass Drosten aufhoert, Leuten Angst einzujagen.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

@Rehlein_ms @c_drosten

Drosten et al haben vielen Tausenden Angst eingejagt.

Mir uebrigens nicht. So oder so werde ich natuerlich nicht aufhoeren zu lesen.

@dchackethal · · Show · Open on Twitter

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