Dennis Hackethal’s Blog
My blog about philosophy, coding, and anything else that interests me.
An archive of my tweets and retweets through . They may be formatted slightly differently than on Twitter. API access has since gotten prohibitively expensive – I don't know whether or when I'll be able to update this archive.
But in case I will, you can subscribe via RSS – without a Twitter account. Rationale
RT @astrofalls:
Saturn captured last night from my backyard
RT @dvassallo:
Imagine pitching your startup to a VC, and you impress them so much that they liquidate all their investments and go ALL IN…
Zur Freiheit gehört auch die Freiheit, Fehler zu machen, einschliesslich Fehlern, die die eigene Gesundheit betreffen.
RT @Sam_kuyp:
On Earth, the State did not respect our right to trade.
Therefore we took our wealth and kin and fled to space
And made the t…
Support agent confirmed he could see empty messages coming through.
support chat lets you send empty messages. #bug
@MagnetThatcher @jchalupa_ @ToKTeacher @TOKphysics
Then I agree. And maybe I contradicted myself in this tweet:…
@MagnetThatcher @jchalupa_ @ToKTeacher @TOKphysics
What exactly does the word “this” refer to?
RT @dvassallo:
Instead of writing a book, write a blog post.
Instead of writing a blog post, write a tweet.
Keep cutting scope until it f…
@ClimateWarrior7 @CasuallyGreg
Unless it’s left, then it’s liberal 🌈 💫 ☮️
CDU will junge Leute wieder zeitweise versklaven:…
Reminds me of Karl Popper's idea that it's impossible to speak in such a way as to never be misunderstood.
I'd put it in terms of knowable vs. unknowable, but yea good point, everything has a context, if only in terms of background knowledge and also the inexplicit components of what's said explicitly.
@jchalupa_ @ToKTeacher @TOKphysics
I'm not sure. I don't think I'm fully getting you either.
@MatMcGann @ToKTeacher @TOKphysics
Good q... 'The world will end tomorrow' certainly sounds like prophecy, especially in isolation. But in this case I can't quite put my finger on the difference. Maybe I'm wrong.
I should have written 'even when it's not derived from a good explanation' and then left out "(because it's made in isolation)".
RT @SJobs_Stories:
"I didn’t sleep a wink last night.
And I was so excited about today, because we’ve been so lucky at Apple. We’ve had som…
@jchalupa_ @ToKTeacher @TOKphysics
... I think you should reevaluate the utility of your example, and then update your overall stance accordingly.
@jchalupa_ @ToKTeacher @TOKphysics
Because BoI says prophecy is what purports to know what is not yet knowable, not what is not yet known. Since you have agreed that there are cases where there's a difference between the two, but in your example re 3042 there was none,...
@jchalupa_ @ToKTeacher @TOKphysics
I don't see how any of what I said led you to think I was invoking subjectivity, since whether or not a statement is derived from a good explanation is an objective matter. But I agree that whether something is prophecy is an objective matter as well.
@jchalupa_ @ToKTeacher @TOKphysics
The word "because" merely explains that, since the statement is made in isolation, it can't be derived from a good explanation. I'm not saying that any claim made in isolation isn't a prophecy.
@jchalupa_ @ToKTeacher @TOKphysics
Ah, I think you may have misunderstood me when I wrote:
[T]he statement 'tomorrow, the sun will rise again' in isolation is not prophecy even though it's not derived from a good explanation (because it's made in isolation).
@jchalupa_ @ToKTeacher @TOKphysics
So, since there are cases where not being known and not being knowable is NOT the same, does that make you think differently about prophecy?
@jchalupa_ @ToKTeacher @TOKphysics
Are there cases where not being known and not being knowable are not the same?
@jchalupa_ @ToKTeacher @TOKphysics
Okay, agreed. Are you implying that I claimed somebody needs to give an explanation "immediately before making a claim" for something not to be prophecy?
@jchalupa_ @ToKTeacher @TOKphysics
Note that there's no mutual exclusivity between prediction and prophecy. But predictions following from good explanations may have led you to believe that prophecy is everything else.
@jchalupa_ @ToKTeacher @TOKphysics
The full passage from BoI reads:
Following Popper, I shall use the term prediction for conclusions about future events that follow from good explanations, and prophecy for anything that purports to know what is not yet knowable.
@jchalupa_ @ToKTeacher @TOKphysics
There's isn't currently but I don't see why there couldn't be. You spoke of derivability, not existing derivation.
That affects how you think about prophecy. Your example is prophecy because that is not yet knowable, not because it's not yet known.
@jchalupa_ @ToKTeacher @TOKphysics
Not whether or not the person claiming the sun will rise tomorrow is doing so after having explained that the earth rotates on it's own axis.
Doesn't this statement contradict your previous statement?
@jchalupa_ @ToKTeacher @TOKphysics
Is there any statement that isn't derivable?
And no, lack of derivability isn't what makes something a prophecy. From BoI ch. 9:
[...] I shall use the term [...] prophecy for anything that purports to know what is not yet knowable.
I agree that out-of-context quotes are tricky. I've recommended @TOKphysics use sources (and quotation marks). Maybe he doesn't realize that not having a source not only makes it harder for the reader but also for the quoted person b/c they can be misunderstood more easily.
To be clear I meant the statement 'tomorrow, the sun will rise again' in isolation is not prophecy even though it's not derived from a good explanation (because it's made in isolation).
This statement conflicts with Popper's definition as stated in BoI. For example, 'tomorrow, the sun will rise again' is not prophecy. Fairly vacuous, sure, but not prophecy.
'Eating frogs' is a good metaphor for it. I've had similar thoughts:…
RT @dvassallo:
Procrastination is our subconscious guiding us towards a better life. It’s a feature, not a bug.
“If I wanted to maximize h…
RT @welt:
Erweiterung des Kanzleramts wird 177 Millionen Euro teurer als geplant
RT @PSRhostGuy:
I wanna get this on record because I see it coming a mile away. There will not only be shame attached to using yo…
Wait, the White House website runs on WordPress?!…
RT @engineers_feed:
The core temperature of the sun is approx 15,000,000 °C. Highest temperature ever achieved on Earth is 5,500,000,000,00…
RT @SJobs_Stories:
"Let’s start with the iPod. You can touch your music.
You can just touch your music - it’s so cool." — Steve Jobs, Mac…
RT @TCSparents:
Parents worried about their children playing video games may find this interview with @DavidDeutschOxf very cheering: https…
RT @DisplaysOfHate:
Future scientist breaks into prison
RT @FoundersPodcast:
Steve Jobs would always tell you exactly what he wanted to happen next:
RT @SpaceX:
Falcon 9 launches 51 Starlink satellites and Spaceflight’s Sherpa-LTC to orbit
RT @ClimateWarrior7:
This vaseline is suitable for anuses of all genders and races
RT @ClimateWarrior7:
I just want Dr. Fauci to hold me in his arms and tell me the jabs are safe and effective. I don't care if it's true or…
Noise pollution should be taken seriously:…
Fehler in Der Anfang der Unendlichkeit:…
.@VariantenGra Woher weiss man eigentlich, welches Geschlecht man Entlehnungen zuweist? Alle sind sich bspw. einig, dass es 'das Display' heisst.
I recommend using quotation marks around quotes and providing a source so that those interested can read more.
@ConradWhitaker @TOKphysics @DavidDeutschOxf
Not all problems are soluble all the time. If you ever need to go somewhere faster than the speed of light, it's just not going to happen.
@ConradWhitaker @TOKphysics @DavidDeutschOxf
It's a matter of specificity, yes. Consider the preceding sentence:
[W]hether ‘problems are soluble’ does not depend on whether any given question can be answered, or answered by a particular thinker on a particular day.
RT @marvin_wank:
Der Staat hat uns in diese Lage gebracht.
Er kann uns nicht aus ihr befreien. Wir müssen uns von ihm befreien.
"Mental Load" Sprechen Sie auch Deutsch?
For everyone else, they said "You can reply to the email from Trust & Safety to see if there is another way to verify your information." The email was sent from What a joke.
RT @VinceCoglianese:
🚨 According to newly released emails obtained by state AGs, Facebook & the Biden admin arranged weekly/monthly calls t…
RT @SachinNeravath:
I made over $90k from an open-source JavaScript library in less than a year.
8 practical ways to make money with open-…
RT @catturd2:
What real racism looks like.
.@Instacart sucks. Locked out of account, they won't really explain or let me use their service again without a scan of my ID. Does anyone actually do that? Invasion of privacy. Ridiculous. You're a grocery-delivery service, not a bank.
RT @NinaFehrDuesel:
Der Bundesrat verbietet den Genderstern in amtlichen Publikationen.
Bravo! Weiter so, gegen die Verhunzung der Sprach…
@dietzi96 @Ishtar88678339 @quarkswdr
‚Nicht völlig frei aussuchen können‘ ist jedoch eine andere Art Zwang als der, den Kinder erleben. Bei ersterem geht es eher darum, dass man sich gezwungen sieht, etwas zu tun. Kinder werden hingegen aktiv zu etwas gezwungen. Beides ist furchtbar aber anders.
Jetzt ja. Lautet die Antwort auf meine Frage also ‘ja’? Die war nicht rhetorisch.
@Ishtar88678339 @dietzi96 @quarkswdr
Oh! Hatte ich falsch verstanden. Dann vielen Dank :)
@ConradWhitaker @TOKphysics @DavidDeutschOxf
Last sentence of BoI ch. 8:
[I]f progress ever depended on violating a law of physics, then ‘problems are soluble’ would be false.
By implication: no, progress as a whole never depends on violating a law of physics, in Deutsch's view.
@Ishtar88678339 @dietzi96 @quarkswdr
Sie argumentieren gegen Dinge, die ich weder gesagt noch angedeutet habe. Ich faende bessere Arbeitsbedigungen auch gut (wer auch nicht?).
Sie wollen sagen, bspw. Fabrikarbeiter werden zu ihren Berufen gezwungen?
Die Berufe macht man aber freiwillig, zur Schule wird man gezwungen. Der Vergleich hinkt.
@maex_rakete @quarkswdr @MoritzW42
ich bin beim thema freiheit der kinder uebrigens massgeblich von taking children seriously beeinflusst
@maex_rakete @quarkswdr @MoritzW42
die frage waere halt, ob in einer gesellschaft ohne zwang oder routinen menschen ueberhaupt erst adhs entwickeln.
so wie heute keiner mehr mit drapetomania diagnostiziert wird, weil es keine sklaven mehr gibt.…
@maex_rakete @quarkswdr @MoritzW42
wieso bist du hier auf die ebene von ideen gewechselt, wo bei adhd doch sonst die rede von hormonen ist?
@maex_rakete @quarkswdr @MoritzW42
bist ja nicht der erste, der mit der these kommt
du meinst die these mit dem verinnerlichten aeusserlichen zwang?
das mit den gesellschaftlichen konventionen ist ein guter punkt. leider landen wir dadurch in einer art patt, so scheint mir
@maex_rakete @quarkswdr @MoritzW42
denn nach allem, was du beschreibt, koennten die symptome auch das resultat eines 'erfolgreich' verinnerlichten aeusserlichen zwangs (aus der schule, dem elternhaus etc.) sein.
wenn adhd allerdings auch in wirklich freien kindern diagnostiziert wird, liege ich wohl falsch.
@maex_rakete @quarkswdr @MoritzW42
vielen dank fuer die ausfuehrliche beschreibung. ich verstehe deinen blickwinkel jetzt besser.
es waere ganz interessant zu wissen, ob adhd schonmal in kindern diagnostiziert wurde, die noch nie zu etwas gezwungen wurden.
Wanting to get out of uncomfortable situations and finding distractions when that isn't possible is a natural, human way to cope. Has to do with preferences, particularly a desire for freedom – again, not hormones. It's a moral issue, not a scientific one.
AGIs who won't sit still when forced to learn something they don't want to learn might be diagnosed with 'ADHD' as well, even if they have no hormones cuz they run on metal and silicon. So it can't possibly be about hormones.
Think of how many teenagers' preferences and 'rebelliousness' are shrugged off as being 'due to their hormones'.
What do you mean by "dehumanizing neuroscience"?
It's dehumanizing because it views humans as machines. And it's often used as an excuse to not take ppl seriously, eg…
anyway can you think of hard-to-vary moral theories? i think the west has come up with some.
yea "all humans should be equal" sounds rather immoral