Dennis Hackethal’s Blog
My blog about philosophy, coding, and anything else that interests me.
An archive of my tweets and retweets through . They may be formatted slightly differently than on Twitter. API access has since gotten prohibitively expensive – I don't know whether or when I'll be able to update this archive.
But in case I will, you can subscribe via RSS – without a Twitter account. Rationale
RT @MurraySuggests:
“War is Mass Murder, Conscription is Slavery, Taxation is Robbery.” -Murray Rothbard
Gotta update my CV…
Governments trying to fight the virus:…
RT @DKedmey:
A thought-provoking, well-reasoned post.
One with many deep, hard-to-answer open Q’s.
My favorite kind.
Sounds like he still wants it, only reworded — but in the meantime it’s a win.…
RT @Max1776z:
Wir kommen einfach wirklich an den Punkt, wo wir hier die Sharia einführen, um ja niemandem auf die Füße zu treten - denn das…
What's worse: the lies, the fear mongering, the outrageous government overreach, the billions in blood money, or his German accent?…
Bring back extinct species is haraminous and against Shakira lawses
@Mulinarius @I_love_Berlin @visitberlin @StreetEvolution @Lightroom
Rosenthaler Straße?
Klar. Die ganzen Glatzen, die dafür sorgen, dass man sich Nachts am Bahnhof unsicher fühlt.
Und Frauen können in west…
RT @aginnt:
You can’t run away from the COVID police in China
Bugs when i create a software.…
RT @ben_brechtken:
Die EU ist totalitärer Müll.
I'd love a $20,000 computer-hardware check, while we're at it.…
Curious that big tech companies haven’t changed their logos from pro Ukraine signaling to pro-abortion signaling yet.
These studies are getting more and more sophisticated.…
RT @aginnt:
“I’m the government and I’m here to help.”
From Shanghai
RT @viki200698:
Kinder sind weder Freiheitskiller, noch Klimakiller, sie killen nichts, sie sind ein Wunder und in allen Belangen eine Bere…
RT @aginnt:
What happens to you when you don’t obey the CCP daily testing orders.
RT @ClimateWarrior7:
I stand with Ukraine! Until I get bored of it and move on to abortion rights about a month later.
An die kritischen Rezensenten von Der Anfang der Unendlichkeit, insbesondere auf Amazon:
Schreiben Sie bitte etwas dazu. Was hat Ihnen nicht gefallen und warum? Die Übersetzung? Der Inhalt? Ist sonst schwer zu beurteilen, wo genau Verbesserungsbedarf besteht.
It's not exactly new but something that may be worth mentioning is that citizens who are currently abroad will be denied boarding on airplanes if they test positive for covid, meaning citizenship is now conditional and based on health. Presumed sick until proven healthy. 🤮
This is a good example of something which seems universally applicable (good) to some and easy to vary externally (bad) to others.…
RT @AlexEpstein:
"Maldives: A gradual rise in sea level is threatening to completely cover this Indian Ocean nation... in the next 30 years…
RT @michaelmalice:
The second vaccine mandates went away it became "My body, my choice" again
Your audio devices might divulge your private information. Here’s how to protect yourself.
So are the pro-choice, pro-vaccine-mandate folks – the conflict goes both ways. Also, being anti vaccine mandate != being anti vaccine.
RT @firstofequals:
I have always been anti-choice.
Getting an abortion should be a decision made by commissars for the good of the communi…
@epiphany_w8n @James_Manolo @RobElgasABC7
American citizenship is effectively conditional on health status when you're abroad:…
RT @ben_brechtken:
Ich schaue diese #Wahlarena nicht, aber ich nehme an, dass dort zwangsfinanzierte Journalisten mit zwangsfinanzierten Po…
RT @HawleyMO:
If Joe Biden won’t dissolve his unconstitutional Disinformation Board, Congress should. I will introduce legislation this wee…
Eating insects for the planet. Do people still not realize that environmentalism is a religion?…
Wer soll über die Kinder herrschen?:…
AI in a nutshell…
RT @aginnt:
How China does public health
RT @TheRepublicDe:
Am #TagderArbeit ziehen auch etliche linksextreme Gruppierungen durch unsere Städte und fordern den radikalen Systemwech…
RT @ben_brechtken:
@BMBF_Bund @starkwatzinger
Daran ist nichts ein Skandal. Außerdem sollte Bildung von unfähigen Politikern ferngehalten u…
RT @ClimateWarrior7:
Definitely can't be expecting indigenous people to be sticking to deadlines.
Employers will also need to be understan…
Was Bretzeln mit Sandwiches zu tun haben weiss ich allerdings nicht. 😅
"Bretzel" scheint eine Mischung aus dem deutschen 'Brezel' und dem englischen 'Pretzel' zu sein.
'uber' heisst so viel wie 'mega' oder 'total'. (Beispiel: 'He's uber jealous.') Kenne ich eigentlich nur als Adverb. Der Umlaut soll's vielleicht exotischer aussehen lassen.
Apparently these are made specifically for sleeping:
They're tiny in comparison and look really promising. But last time I checked they shipped them from Finland which adds regulatory burdens (customs).
‘Noise-Canceling’ Headphones:…
That’s not why. They don’t want to be forced to pay for other people’s expenses.
RT @royalsociety:
#OnThisDay in 1930, the name of the newly discovered Pluto was announced. The name was first suggested by 11-year old sch…
Wrong-Number Pattern:…
RT @USMiniTru:
You are welcome to follow us, but rest assured—we are already following you.
RT @GovRonDeSantis:
The Biden Administration’s creation of a “disinformation” bureau within DHS is effectively a Ministry of Truth that is…
RT @townhallcom:
PSAKI: "It sounds like the objective of the board is to prevent disinformation and misinformation from traveling around th…
RT @txiokatu:
gonna have a scale so that no woman over 120 lbs walks in
RT @ClimateWarrior7:
We need to go back into harsh lockdown immediately! Anyone not in favour of this has blood on their hands and is a gra…
"tritt ab" liest sich so, als wuerde er komplett als Virologe und wissenschaftlicher Berater der Bundes- und Landesregierungen zuruecktreten. Das ist ja wohl nicht der Fall.
Just tried signing up for @eBay. Must provide phone number AND address!! Does anyone actually provide that information? Nuts.
RT @chillywillers:
When you have nothing but determined to write the article anyway
Give me some time..…
I just learned the word 'truancy' and the first sentence on Wikipedia makes me want to puke:
"Truancy is any intentional, unjustified, unauthorised, or illegal absence from compulsory education."
Is it the civilized world's obligation to help Afghanis?
"It should go without saying that this is batshit crazy."
No, the people involved act out of conviction. They're not mentally ill. But they may as well be.…
“No one has apologized, no one has been held accountable.”…
‘We already imprison children in reeducation camps, so once they get out they should be forced to pay for even more expenses of other people.’ That’s how this reads to a libertarian.…
RT @builderio:
There’s a native API for deep copying objects in JS: structuredClone
No more JSON.stringify hacks, no need for lodash or ot…
RT @supabase:
Me: I for one welcome our new AI overlords.
The AI overlords:
@Mrsme17750698 @BetterCallSaul @MandoMichael
I wanna know too
Was shopping the online Apple Store when suddenly Apple reminded me of this intense scene from the movie SE7EN...
“Algorithmic justice”! Wow. That’s a new one. 😂…
Don’t remove Netflix without replacement and say the resulting acronym out loud…
RT @jreichelt:
Hendrik Wüst will den Ruf des Muezzin in deutschen Städten und übernimmt das linke Glaubensbekenntnis aus dem Nancy-Faeser-M…
RT @ClimateWarrior7:
The proper left-wing progressive view these days is you can only really belong to whichever country your ancestors are…
RT @nomadcapitalist:
They are indeed insatiable