Dennis Hackethal’s Blog
My blog about philosophy, coding, and anything else that interests me.
An archive of my tweets and retweets through . They may be formatted slightly differently than on Twitter. API access has since gotten prohibitively expensive – I don't know whether or when I'll be able to update this archive.
But in case I will, you can subscribe via RSS – without a Twitter account. Rationale
...Problemen der Fluechtlinge zu befassen.
Fluechtlinge sprechen oft kein Deutsch, koennen also unmoeglich irgendetwas Falsches am Wort 'Fluechtling' erkennen. Es ist vielleicht typisch fuer woke 'Sprachwissenschaftler', sich mit Scheinproblemen zu befassen und Sprache regulieren zu wollen, anstatt sich mit echten...
Ich hab den ersten Link ueberflogen und er scheint mehr oder weniger das Gleiche zu sagen wie Sie. Dann schlaegt er vor, vielleicht sogar "Zufluchtsuchende/r" zu sagen – geht's noch komplizierter? –, meint aber gleichzeitig, "Sprachverhunzung" sei kein Thema.
Ah, der alte "Es ist Expertensache"-Trick. Kauf ich Ihnen nicht ab.
RT @reitschuster:
Woher wissen Sie denn genau, dass der "leichte Verlauf" den drei Impfungen zu verdanken ist, Herr Lindner? Unzählige Unge…
... same energy:
Ich hatte um eine Quelle gebeten, dass koennte mich u. U. davon ueberzeugen, dass ich unrecht habe, zumindest wenn in der Quelle noch mehr zu dem Thema steht.
Uebrigens steht selbst im woken Duden nichts davon, dass Fluechtling abwertend sei:
Sonst sind Sie Ihrer eigenen Meinung gegenueber nicht kritisch, und wer verschliesst sich dann vor etwas?
Wenn ich mich dem Thema verschliessen wuerde, wuerde ich Ihnen dazu keine Fragen stellen. Ich faende es ja interessant, wenn ich falsch liegen sollte.
Und im Gegenteil, Sie sollten aktiv versuchen, ein Wort mit -ling zu finden, das nicht in Ihre drei Kategorien passt.
Inwiefern ist ein Liebling passiv? Weil er Liebe erfaehrt? Was kann daran schlecht sein?
Es sind nicht meine Beispiele.
Bzgl. Haeuptling steht im Duden, dass es auch ironisch abwertend ist. Meh. Zu Liebling steht sowas nicht. Aber Sie sprachen hier von einer angeblichen Abhaengigkeit. Die sehe ich bei allen drei nicht.
Auch da passen Haeuptling und Liebling nicht rein.
Gibt es dazu denn eine Quelle?
Haeuptling, Liebling und Fiesling passen da nicht rein. Natuerlich ist es keine Widerlegung, wenn Sie die widerlegenden Exemplare einfach ignorieren. Auch dass ein Lehrling nicht vollstaendig ueber sich selbst bestimmen kann, waere mir neu.
Blindes Huhn findet auch mal ein Korn.…
RT @aginnt:
And there it is. Masks are not about science but power.
"[Digging] can't be good for his mental health [...]."
Then the NEXT sentence:
"He's always really happy when he comes back from digging [...]."
“But Joe Biden’s publicist, who’s a dedicated enemy of human happiness and really ought to be teaching in a kindergarten classroom in New York City, said she’s disappointed in the judge’s ruling.”…
RT @Mike___Kilo:
A German just can’t understand why the government shouldn’t have all the guns.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: she'll cheat him out of his Sandpiper money. It's the real reason she wanted to get married, and it's the real reason she wants to go after Howard.
RT @NewmanJ_R:
One time I got stuck in the back corner of a store because both floor arrows pointed to the corner.
I'm still here now. Ple…
RT @ben_brechtken:
Coronamaßnahmen bringen rein gar nichts außer Freiheitsverlust.
@Mrsme17750698 @ViriEspindola @BetterCallSaul
She'll give half the sandpiper money to her mom. JK that's taking it too far :D
I agree she probably cut ties.
@ViriEspindola @Mrsme17750698 @BetterCallSaul
She’ll cheat Jimmy out of his sandpiper money. Real reason she wanted to get married.
Warren repeatedly lies through her teeth:…
@jasongfleischer @Neuro_Skeptic
People can be wrong about their own experience and memories and give mistaken explanations for their own behavior all the time.
RT @ClimateWarrior7:
I was at a fisting party the other day and some people weren't wearing masks. So irresponsible! It was like a slap in…
RT @JradRabel:
Just got messaged by a NYT journalist about my previous tweet. This is what happened.
People are too focused on prevention strategies. As DD explains in the context of climate change, that can't work forever.
If instead ppl asked themselves, 'If I DO catch covid, what can I do to recover quickly', many might realize that it's just not that big a deal.
Theories are indeed true or false independently of our beliefs, but science as a field does not and cannot know what is true.…
A small victory. Let's keep heading in that direction.…
RT @aginnt:
A Delta flight attendant breaks into tears as she takes off her mask for the first time in two years.
What COVID law has done…
A democrat openly saying what she’s after: power over the people.…
Those requirements are getting out of hand…
@FallingIntoFilm @Yoda4ever @sdhruv86 @ToKTeacher
Those arguments are not just behavioral: they also refer to abstract concepts like creativity and criticism.
Btw, we know how to code many animals; video games often have believable animals in them. Also robots are getting better and better at resembling animals.
@FallingIntoFilm @Yoda4ever @sdhruv86 @ToKTeacher
Both people and animals make all sorts of mistakes but people can be critical of those mistakes and correct them creatively:…
RT @MichaWindisch:
#Lauterbach merkt, dass ihm keiner mehr zuhört, keiner mehr glaubt. Daher erfindet er immer drastischere Formulierungen,…
Geht alles besser und mit weniger Arbeit ohne akademische Ausbildung.
PS: Lassen Sie den Gender-Unsinn.
So to add complexity to the show and make Jimmy’s downfall more tragic, what he says to the girl is false. Jimmy is given a chance. Though perhaps too little too late.
IIRC Hamlin even references Jimmy’s thoughts on the girl and admits it was a mistake not to hire him sooner!
What’s interesting is that, with Chuck gone, Hamlin is finally able to make Jimmy an offer over lunch. In fact, he’s always wanted to hire Jimmy but had to defer to Chuck.
Diesen Unsinn gibt es in Amerika schon lange. Er ist nach D ruebergeschwappt. Es sind genau die gleichen Worte eins zu eins uebersetzt, obwohl der kulturelle Kontext in D ein ganz anderer ist. Das zeigt einem bereits, dass da was faul ist.
RT @TitaniaMcGrath:
Cancel Spanish.
RT @_Islamicat:
Starving immigrant brother arrive in London and sees first dirty uncovered Western womens and alphabet tribe…
Machen/machieren, essen/essieren, Fahrrad fahren/Fahrrad fahrieren usw.
RT @nomadcapitalist:
“Biden's Billionaire Tax Wouldn't Just Hurt Billionaires”…
Sometimes I wonder…
Doesn’t look very scalable does it?…
Why anyone would travel to the unwashed asshole of a country that is China is beyond me.…
RT @MinistryofTru16:
Wow…those are some useless numbers you managed to accumulate. Well done.
RT @DrewHolden360:
Okay, some of these are too good.
Quick 🧵 of the wackiest @elonmusk potentially buying Twitter takes vs. what those fol…
RT @FreeBeacon:
After Biden finished his speech, he turned around and tried to shake hands with thin air and then wandered around looking c…
Maybe not: “Other liquids have chemical properties which can cause a chemical reaction on the test strip, resulting in misleading or inaccurate results.”
Again, let musk do with his money what he wants…
so in addition to being a pretend doctor you're also a pretend louis ck explaining jokes?
i bet you're one of those people wearing multiple masks at the same time and posting selfies on social media to show what a great person you are
and that noah wyle is a pretend doctor, which lots of ppl on twitter are these days, too
the point was that noah wyle is about as qualified to make medical statements as you are (i'm guessing you're not a doctor), not that he was accidentally medically right in the actual scene
If you look closely you can see him shedding a single tear when he says one couldn’t do Chinese-style lockdowns in the US.…
Watch out everyone, Noah Wyle here thinks wearing a mask is a good idea…
Apart from the religious mumbo jumbo, this is good stuff:…
@StigOfHK @james_e_b_ @TheAngryEpi
Ding ding ding! This is the 1,489,120th time someone has used the traffic-light analogy to justify tyranny:…
Why on earth might I like this, Twitter? Isn't my tweet history clear?
RT @aginnt:
The Chinese people are desperately fighting back against COVID prisons.
Kinder ernst nehmen – Interview:…
Still pretty overtly, but yes this is closer to the truth.…
RT @PhilHollowayEsq:
Is this the most nonsensical image from the last two years? It’s hard to fathom this really happened…
RT @firstofequals:
Frightening. Time to shut off the water mains until we can be sure you are safe.
RT @SJobs_Stories:
"Hey, Jony, how are you doing? Well, it’s been 2 and a half years, and I - I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to make th…
RT @FLCaseyDeSantis:
“No Floridian will be restricted, mandated or locked down in any possible way.” -@GovRonDeSantis
That’s MY Governor!…
We really didn’t need linguists to figure this out.
Apple macht jetzt auch den Gender-Quatsch. Von der Apple-Books-Seite:
We have an infinity of wants because problems are inevitable (Deutsch).
You're shitting on everything that makes life livable for you right now, and on everyone who's heroically made that possible. If you want to live as our ancestors did, do it. You won't last a week.
@JoeH78113424 @foxjust @FukuyamaFrancis
I take the Popperian stance on this: be bold in your conjectures, humble in how much you think you know (little to nothing).