Dennis Hackethal’s Blog
My blog about philosophy, coding, and anything else that interests me.
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Leider gibt es selbst in den USA, dem vermeintlichen Land der Freiheit, Anstrengungen, eine Vermoegenssteuer einzufuehren (seitens der Senatorin Elizabeth Warren). Ich fuerchte, kein Buerger auf der Welt ist sicher vor dem Parasitismus seiner jeweiligen Regierung.
Wieso eine Vermoegenssteuer generell eine ganz schlechte Idee ist:…
Ganz genau. Der amerikanische Politiker Ron Paul (umschrieben): Entwicklungshilfe ist, wenn die Armen eines reichen Landes dazu gezwungen werden, die Reichen eines armen Landes zu finanzieren.
Ekelhaft. Die Deutschen sind den Politikern ausgeliefert.
Dann soll er eben keine Buerger dazu zwingen, dafuer zu bezahlen, wenn ihm der Otto-Normalverbraucher doch so sehr am Herzen liegt.
Und der Fraktionschef der Linken, Dietmar Bartsch: „Wir brauchen eine europaweite Beteiligung der Superreichen. Es darf nicht sein, dass der normale Steuerzahler, der schon unter Inflation und Energiepreisen leidet, allein auch die Kriegsrechnung bezahlen muss.“
Nein: "Die Ukraine wünscht sich von Deutschland 500 Millionen Dollar pro Monat, um das Land durch den Krieg zu bringen. SPD-Chefin Saskia Esken hat eine Idee, wie das dafür nötige Geld eingetrieben werden könnte."
RT @jbrowder1:
At @DoNotPay, we run a very frugal company culture and try to reduce unnecessary expenses.
Here are 7 things that I think e…
RT @FoundersPodcast:
Linus Torvalds —creator of Linux — on the importance of sleep:
Well, if even thinking of leaving is already disaster, changing the relationship to one where thinking of leaving is okay may not be so easy. So the word “just” seems misplaced here, and I don’t agree that this solution is “obvious”.
ja. oder 'fahrrad fahren ohne helm ist illegal also macht es keiner'
“Politicians, I think, should […] be a little more modest about their abilities […]. We can’t run everything, and we shouldn’t try.”…
RT @DayTechHistory:
On this day in 2001, Apple introduced the 1st Generation iPod.
"No one should be a billionaire" only means that it should be illegal to pay yourself a billion dollars from the profits of your company.
Aren't most billionaires' assets not cash?
I had the idea for a cart like this years ago. Surely I’m not the only one. What’s taken them so long?…
*except certain government employees…
RT @LegendaryEnergy:
Still one of the most epic minutes in television.
What almost nobody talks about is that most forests are public land, and government tends to do a worse job at ~anything than private companies, at least in the long run.
Privatization is the answer. Same for trash in oceans btw.
looks like maybe he was briefly talking to someone who was off camera?
RT @RNCResearch:
BIDEN: "Over a billion, 200, a trillion, 200 billion dollars!"
@BrutusTB2000 @AdamColeman2022 @meaimanlee
Galt, exists in the same Realm, as Roark.
Why the commas?
RT @JackPosobiec:
Be a shame if this went viral
Ein Traum von Sokrates:…
@GoodAsYoucloth @shawkisukkar @paulg
It's all in a confined structure.
Children learn language playfully, however they want. It's not like school where there's a syllabus they are not allowed to deviate from.
@GoodAsYoucloth @shawkisukkar @paulg
A child is not given an option of languages to freely choose from.
You seem to think 'absence of force' = 'having at least two options to choose from' but that's not true.
@Thomas190163 @JanAlbrecht @welt
Auch wenn sie "zum Wohle der Steuerzahler" eingesetzt werden, ist es Raub. Raub ist, wenn dir jemand dein Eigentum gegen deinen Willen wegnimmt, auch wenn er es dann 'fuer dich' einsetzt. Wohlwollende Raeuber sind immer noch Raeuber.
@GoodAsYoucloth @shawkisukkar @paulg
That force isn’t transitive applies to children, too. I don’t think you understand what force is, and I think you come up with ad-hoc reasons to reject my arguments.
RT @DavidDeutschOxf:
Das weitgehend eigenständige zehnte Kapitel aus meinem Buch Der Anfang der Unendlichkeit ist jetzt als Audioversion ve…
Dominic Kolb. Finde seine Stimme auch klasse.
@BBeckerPhotos @sukramTM @a_nnaschneider @JanAlbrecht @welt
Richtig. Wuerde ich gerne alles entweder selbst machen oder freiwillig Firmen damit beauftragen. Darf ich nur leider nicht.
@GoodAsYoucloth @shawkisukkar @paulg
No, force isn't transitive like that. For example, someone can be in prison against his will while voluntarily learning a new language in the prison library.
Also, children learn language outside the home, too, so I don't think that's what you had in mind originally.
@a_nnaschneider @JanAlbrecht @welt
Ich wuerde an der Stelle mal einen Juristen fragen, ob die Unterstellungen der "[V]erfassungsfeindlich[keit]" und "Demokratiefeind[lichkeit]" nicht oeffentliche Verleumdung sind. Vielleicht sollte das @JanAlbrecht nicht so salopp von sich geben. Stichwort Rechtsstaat.
@sukramTM @a_nnaschneider @JanAlbrecht @welt
Altes Standardargument. Man kann es dem Individuum nicht anlasten, wenn ihm staatliche 'Dienstleistungen' aufgezwungen werden, schon gar nicht wenn diese unerwuenscht (und teilweise auch unvermeidbar) sind.
@GoodAsYoucloth @shawkisukkar @paulg
Yes, that's another example of force.
RT @FoundersPodcast:
Steve Jobs on avoiding “the bozo explosion”
(companies fill up with second-rate talent as they grow)…
@GoodAsYoucloth @shawkisukkar @paulg
The child is not allowed to leave the classroom for as long as he likes.
@GoodAsYoucloth @shawkisukkar @paulg
How is learning a language forced?
@GoodAsYoucloth @shawkisukkar @paulg
Yes you've said that:…
Isn’t sex already everywhere? Why not talk about hypergamy?
@GoodAsYoucloth @shawkisukkar @paulg
You were able to respond with 'no' here:…
@GoodAsYoucloth @shawkisukkar @paulg
And I have explained that you'd probably consider any evidence "groundless" so it really doesn't matter. But I'm not even talking about that here. Different topic.
@GoodAsYoucloth @shawkisukkar @paulg
OK. Just making sure. Lots of people equivocate these things.
Am I not using American grammar correctly?
Sometimes, yea. Like when you wrote "it seems like forcing a child to speak a language they didn't personally chose or against they will"
@GoodAsYoucloth @shawkisukkar @paulg
Amazing how many ppl have trouble responding with a simple 'yes' or 'no'.
@GoodAsYoucloth @shawkisukkar @paulg
"It's forced and out of necessity."
To be clear, do you think 'force' and 'necessity' are the same thing?
@GoodAsYoucloth @shawkisukkar @paulg
"It even has a reward system for proper usage."
What does the word "It" refer to? Learning a language?
@GoodAsYoucloth @shawkisukkar @paulg
I understand that, but I'm asking you to respond explicitly to my question. Again, were you asking for evidence of something else, yes or no?
@GoodAsYoucloth @shawkisukkar @paulg
So what evidence could I possibly provide that would convince you otherwise?
@GoodAsYoucloth @shawkisukkar @paulg
Since you claim that not even language is learned voluntarily, and since ~everybody learns language (so everybody experiences force by that logic), for any examples I could give of ppl who developed genius despite this force you can claim they developed genius because of it
@GoodAsYoucloth @shawkisukkar @paulg
Is that a 'no' to my question?
@GoodAsYoucloth @shawkisukkar @paulg
I'm saying that learning the basics of a language is an example of what ~all children do voluntarily. You had asked for evidence that children don't just pursue frivolous things when not coerced.
Or were you asking for evidence of something else?
@GoodAsYoucloth @shawkisukkar @paulg
[F]orcing a child to speak a language […] against they will .. is against what you spoke about earlier...
I'm not talking about forcing a child to speak a language.
@GoodAsYoucloth @shawkisukkar @paulg
You are saying all the human genius in all time history was a mistake in the learning process?
No. You seem to be attributing genius to forced learning. Consider that genius occurs despite force.
@GoodAsYoucloth @shawkisukkar @paulg
Did you mean to say 'it just seems a folly'?
I invoked morals and interests, not comfort.
@GoodAsYoucloth @shawkisukkar @paulg
Me teaching my child to count is immoral?
No, but teaching your child to count against his will is.
@GoodAsYoucloth @shawkisukkar @paulg
Based on what evidence?
Children learn language basics and how to walk, without force.
Where in history has a child been left to pursue whatever they want.
Assume never – so what? Should we continue a mistake just because we've always made it?
@GoodAsYoucloth @shawkisukkar @paulg
Because being forced to do math is immoral. And no, 'letting' your kid pursue what he wants doesn't only lead to what you consider 'frivolous' pursuits, as you seem to imply.
Ja ganz furchtbar, die armen Ginkgo-Bäume. (Übrigens nicht "Gingko".)
Inwiefern stellt ein Kompromiss keine echte Lösung dar?…
@GoodAsYoucloth @shawkisukkar @paulg
By forcing children to learn things they’re not interested in and filling their day with that instead of letting them freely pursue their interests.
Would being forced to learn about things your teacher finds weird make you curious?
Children are extremely curious until school forces them not to be. So the answer is: get rid of compulsory schooling.
Simple Way to Get Rid of Smelly Feet 🦶🦨👃:…
RT @TechEmails:
Google looks at acquiring YouTube
February 7, 2006
@AntLeonard73 @rheangelseehorn
What did you think about Walt’s and Jesse’s appearances? Seemed like fan service to me…
And don’t get me started on the whole time-travel thing. WTF lol, so out of place…
@AntLeonard73 @rheangelseehorn
I recall hearing about how they changed the story involving Jeff when the actor changed. That probably didn’t help.
@AntLeonard73 @rheangelseehorn
the ending felt rushed to me. and something just didn't connect. hard to put my finger on it. kim's new life was weird. plus i don't think they explained why she quit the law. she could have just quit jimmy right?
i liked the first ~half of the season. then it went south. :(
"[We can] frame the growth of knowledge (all knowledge, not only scientific) as a continual transition from problems to better problems, rather than from problems to solutions or from theories to better theories."
– David Deutsch, The Beginning of Infinity…
RT @JonErlichman:
Patent for the Lego brick in 1958:
Looks like the creation of the Federal Reserve made ~no difference in terms of spurring economic growth. (Disclaimer: I didn't read the article or investigate the source, I only looked at the graphs briefly.)
I hadn't, thanks. Interesting listen. It brought up the difference between setting boundaries and giving an ultimatum – which this article goes into more:…
RT @SJobs_Stories:
"Playlists, artists, songs, videos and more. I’m in artists right now.
Well, how do I scroll through my lists of artist…
Can we make it $10k per month for everyone indefinitely?
The upside is that they couldn't do better marketing against environmentalism.…
RT @jk_rowling:
I read my most recent royalty cheques and find the pain goes away pretty quickly.
RT @dchackethal:
Maybe "We the People" is where it started to go south. Maybe it should always have been 'I the Individual'.
Maybe "We the People" is where it started to go south. Maybe it should always have been 'I the Individual'.
RT @ThePlanetaryGuy:
See those rings?
They're not artefacts of image processing.
They're real.
And #JWST just snapped them.
🤏🧵 https://…
Schluckauf ist ein sehr gutes Wort dafür.
Somebody once posted on LinkedIn: "Do you care about diversity?" I responded, "no". Then I got a warning from LinkedIn that my response violated their community standards or something.
RT @pickover:
Physics, mathematics, nature.
Raindrops are not tear-shaped, as many people think.…